Elite Beating

Sidequest2 Icon.png Lv. 48   Elite Beating  Repeatable Daily

Journal detail hr1 07.png Acquisition
This quest requires you to fight enemies in the open world.
Yadovv Gah: Southern Thanalan - Broken Water - Ring of Ash (x:23.2, y:14.4)

Map33 Icon.pngClosest Aetheryte: Little Ala Mhigo

Journal detail hr1 08.png Requirements

Spacer2.png Disciples of War or Magic (Level 48)

Amalj'aa Relations Icon.png Friendly Reputation (Tier 3) with the Amalj'aa
Journal detail hr1 03.png Rewards

Allagan Tomestone of Poetics


Amalj'aa Relations
Steel Amalj'ok
Piety Materia IV
Battledance Materia IV
Quicktongue Materia IV
Edit Elite Beating's Miscellaneous Reward
Journal detail hr1 04.png Description
Yadovv Gah is eager to seize upon his foe's miscalculation.
Journal detail hr1 01.png Objectives
  • Slay Zahar'ak lancers.
  • Slay Zahar'ak archers.
  • Report to Yadovv Gah.

Journal detail hr1 07.png NPCs Involved
Yadovv Gah
Journal detail hr1 08.png Mobs Involved
Amalj'aa LancerAmalj'aa Archer

  • Yadovv Gah is eager to seize upon his foe's miscalculation.
  • Though he often counsels measured action, Yadovv Gah appears hungry for blood this day. It seems that certain of Zagozz Teh's elite troops have left his side, with orders to participate in upcoming raids. Take advantage of their vulnerability, and strike down the Zahar'ak lancers and archers.
  • You have slain the lancers and archers of Zahar'ak, leaving their corpses as a stark warning to Zagozz Teh and his arrogance. Return to the Ring of Ash and report to Yadovv Gah.
  • You return to Yadovv Gah with news of your unrestrained slaughter. Though cheered by the thought of such fangs pulled from his enemy's maw, the Brotherhood warrior warns that your attacks may provoke retaliation. Stand ready to offer your assistance should the need arise.

Edit Elite Beating's Dialogue
Honored ally, the greed of our foes has led them into grave error.

In his frantic quest to gather victims for tempering, Zagozz Teh has allowed certain of his personal bodyguards to join the Flamefang raiding efforts.

Never again will his elite soldiers be so vulnerable! I urge you to strike now, and remove these pieces from the board.

You will find the high-ranked lancers and archers prowling the canyons of Zahar'ak, awaiting the call to action. Spare these fools neither words nor mercy.

This day is a day for blood! May the fortune of battle be yours.
Society Quest Accepted
Hunt down the Flamefang elites, and leave them bleeding in the dust. Zagozz Teh will pay for his mad ambition.
You have dealt a telling blow, honored ally. The enemy has been deprived of some of his sharpest fangs.
But the wounded cur is most like to bite. Be on guard, and prepared to move at a moment's notice!
Society Quest Complete

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