
Foul Icon.pngFoul

Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Polyglot Cost: 1

Enhanced by:

Patch Changes
Edit Foul/Version History
Patch 6.28
  • Potency has been increased from 560 to 600.
Patch 6.0 Endwalker release:
  • Potency changed from 650 to 560.
  • Potency rate when attacking remaining enemies changed from 25% to 60%.
  • Cast time changed from 2.5s to instant.
Patch 5.2
  • Potency reduction after the first enemy is now fixed at 25%.
Patch 4.2
  • Fixed an issue wherein it was possible to use this immediately after entering an instance under certain conditions.
Patch 4.05
  • MP cost reduced to 0.
Patch 4.0 Stormblood release:
  • Foul has been added to the game.

Acquired: Black Mage Icon 1.png Black Mage (Lv. 70)
Affinity: Black Mage Icon 1.png BLM
Potency: The mathematical base strength of an ability.600
Cast: The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
Recast: The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
Cost: The cost associated with the use of the ability.1 Polyglot
Range: The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Radius: Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y

Reward from Quests (1)
Quest Level
One Golem to Rule Them All 70