Void Herald

Bat Genus Icon.pngVoid Herald  Zoneicon.pngMob14 Icon.png

Level 22
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Genus Description:
Bats subsist on a diet of blood drained from other bloodborn creatures, most commonly other beastkin.  This tendency is a known cause of disease transmission, giving rise to tales that the bite of a bat can cause a sickness that leads men to froth at the mouth and lust after the blood of his kin. Defeating bats that threaten life and livestock can prove a challenge, however, as the bat bewilders its prey with ceaseless flittering, which makes attacking the beast an exercise in frustration. — Loremonger

From Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume I

These leathery-winged cloudkin make their homes in the shadowy recess of caves and tree hollows. Hanging dormant within their lair during the day, bats mainly venture forth in the hours of twilight. Bats possess incredibly acute hearing, and require nothing more than the echo of their own high-pitched cries to locate and catch insects in flight. Some species are known to feed on fruit, while others derive their sustenance from blood.[1]

Zone Level Drops Notes
Eastern Thanalan - Wellwick Wood - Thal's Respite (25-14)
  Questinvolvementicon.pngThe Hidden Chapter
 22 Aggressive.png
Name Level Starter Type
&000000000000002500000025&000000000006588800000065,888&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Index}}}The Hidden ChapterThe Hidden Chapter &000000000000002500000025 Cocobygo Disciple of Magic Quests
Name Description Mechanic Stats Status Effects
Blood Drain Suck the blood from a foe, healing for an equal amount.
Magic Damage Icon.png Magical

The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.3y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
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