Westward Bound

Map64 Icon.png Lv. 18   Westward Bound    15m

Zone: Eastern Thanalan - Drybone  (16-26)
An Amalj'aa unit has been sighted moving west, most likely to establish a new encampment closer to Ul'dah. The safety of the city-state is at stake. Crush the beastmen and send them running back to Zanr'ak.
Experience Gil Seals
Expicon.png1,620 Gil Icon.png36 Flame Seal Icon.png103
Conditional Reward
Atma of the Bull Icon.png x1 (chance while wearing a Zenith weapon/shield) 
World: Hydaelyn
Landmass: Aldenard
Region: Thanalan
Zone: Eastern Thanalan
Area: Drybone
Coordinates: 16-26
Level: 18
Type: Slay Enemies

Edit Westward Bound's Dialogue
FATE Joined
Down with you!
Try that again!
You're mine!
Had enough!?
You are a plague on the realm!
We grow weary of your impudence!
Run! Cower behind your stone walls!

FATE Complete
Crawl back under your rocks, foul lizards!

FATE Failed

Pop Culture Etymology
Guide Reference Source
Guide:Pop Culture References Westward Bound  Imdbicon.png