Yol Whistle

Yol Whistle Icon.png
Yol Whistle  Quest Icon.png
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A rough-hewn whistle whose clear tone summons your loyal yol mount.
Level 1
Item Level 1
Statistics & Bonuses:
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Reward from Quests
Quest Level
In the Footsteps of Bardam the Brave 65
Used to Summon

Mount Information
Yol (Mount) Icon.pngYol (Mount)Flying Mount 
High atop the granite peaks of Othard's Fanged Crescent do the yol claim their demesne, descending to the Azim Steppe to prey upon warriors who pretend not to fear the monsters of their ancestor's tales. Rare indeed is it that a yol might cede its back to man, though to those who have proved their mettle, the creatures have been known to make exception.
Yol (Mount) Patch.png

I must have faith in myself and my yol...
- Zealous Mol Warrior

Acquisition: Completion of the In the Footsteps of Bardam the Brave Stormblood Main Scenario quest.
Requires: Yol Whistle
Movement: Airborne (Flying)
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