What business have you with the Admiral's Lift? Tea and crumpets on the Bridge, is it? In possession of a permission paper signed by the relevant authorities, are you?
The Admiral's official quarters are no place for sightseeing. If you seek the Drowning Wench, try the Crow's Lift over yonder.
So you will be looking into Sicard for us, will you? I wish you luck...
<GC Rank/Surname>
, I don't believe you have business in the Bridge at present.
Perhaps you are seeking the Drowning Wench lift opposite?
What business have you with the Admiral's Lift? Tea and crumpets on the Bridge, is it? In possession of a permission paper signed by the relevant authorities, are you?
The Admiral's official quarters are no place for sightseeing. If you seek the Drowning Wench, try the Crow's Lift over yonder.