
Spodumene Icon.png
Spodumene  Tools icon.pngDesynthesis Icon.png
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A light-pink jewel.
Level 1
Item Level 640
Statistics & Bonuses:
Repairs, Recycle & Style:
Stack Size 999
Sells for Gil Icon.png x 7 HQ Icon.png8
Noconverticon.png Nodyeicon.png Nocresticon.png Noprojectableicon.png Nodesynthesizableicon.png Nostorableicon.png Nocollectableicon.png
Acquisition Edit Spodumene's Miscellaneous Acquisition Information Uses Edit Spodumene's Miscellaneous Use Information
Divider5.png Divider5.png
Acquired from Desynthesis (9)
Item Skill
Anabaseios Bracelet of Fending Icon.png Anabaseios Bracelet of Fending
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Anabaseios Earring of Fending Icon.png Anabaseios Earring of Fending
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Anabaseios Necklace of Slaying Icon.png Anabaseios Necklace of Slaying
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Diadochos Coat of Casting Icon.png Diadochos Coat of Casting
Weaver Icon 5.png
Diadochos Codex Icon.png Diadochos Codex
Alchemist Icon 5.png
Diadochos Index Icon.png Diadochos Index
Alchemist Icon 5.png
Diadochos Rod Icon.png Diadochos Rod
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Diadochos Wristband of Casting Icon.png Diadochos Wristband of Casting
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Voidcast Cane Icon.png Voidcast Cane
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
Recipes using Spodumene (29)
Item Skill
Abyssal Barding Icon.png Abyssal Barding
Armorer Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Abyssal Wings Display Icon.png Abyssal Wings Display
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Beret of Casting Icon.png Diadochos Beret of Casting
Weaver Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Beret of Healing Icon.png Diadochos Beret of Healing
Weaver Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Cane Icon.png Diadochos Cane
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Choker of Aiming Icon.png Diadochos Choker of Aiming
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Choker of Casting Icon.png Diadochos Choker of Casting
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Choker of Fending Icon.png Diadochos Choker of Fending
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Choker of Healing Icon.png Diadochos Choker of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Choker of Slaying Icon.png Diadochos Choker of Slaying
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Coat of Casting Icon.png Diadochos Coat of Casting
Weaver Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Coat of Healing Icon.png Diadochos Coat of Healing
Weaver Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Codex Icon.png Diadochos Codex
Alchemist Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Gunblade Icon.png Diadochos Gunblade
Blacksmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Index Icon.png Diadochos Index
Alchemist Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Planisphere Icon.png Diadochos Planisphere
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Revolver Icon.png Diadochos Revolver
Blacksmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Rod Icon.png Diadochos Rod
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Smallsword Icon.png Diadochos Smallsword
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Wings Icon.png Diadochos Wings
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Wristband of Aiming Icon.png Diadochos Wristband of Aiming
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Wristband of Casting Icon.png Diadochos Wristband of Casting
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Wristband of Fending Icon.png Diadochos Wristband of Fending
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Wristband of Healing Icon.png Diadochos Wristband of Healing
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Wristband of Slaying Icon.png Diadochos Wristband of Slaying
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Diadochos Zaghnal Icon.png Diadochos Zaghnal
Blacksmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Electrope Barding Icon.png Electrope Barding
Armorer Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".100★)
Martial Artist's Slops Icon.png Martial Artist's Slops
Weaver Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".90★★★★)
Skyruin Barding Icon.png Skyruin Barding
Goldsmith Icon 5.png
(&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "★".100★)

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