To the Mat

060958.png Lv. 16   To the Mat    30m

Zone: Eureka Anemos - Uncanny Valley (Area)  (35.2-19.7)
Once known to his loyal subjects as King of the Flame, for years Hazmat has wallowed in the lightless void, unable to wield his brilliant, fiery magicks. Now, unbound from the darkness, the self-proclaimed regent is free to set the world alight...literally.
Experience Tomestone
Eureka XP18,382 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png96
Conditional Reward
Anemos Lockbox Icon.png x20 Anemos Crystal Icon.png x40 
World: ??? (World)
Landmass: ??? (Landmass)
Region: ??? (Region)
Zone: Eureka Anemos
Area: Uncanny Valley (Area)
Coordinates: 35.2-19.7
Level: 16
Type: Notorious Monster
Spawn Mob: Anemos Anala

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