A lonely place, this Swiftperch. That don't mean there ain't work to be done.
A lonely place, this Swiftperch. That don't mean there ain't work to be done...just not by the likes of an unbloodied fry like yerself. Till <Switch(IntegerParameter(1))><Case(1)>ol' Baderon Tenfingers</Case><Case(2)>Mother Miounne</Case><Case(3)>wee Momodi Modi</Case></Switch> hasn't signed off on ye, I'll entrust the safety of this godsforsaken corner of the realm to more capable hands.
I've me eye on ye and all, lad. See the job's done right, like.
A lonely place, this Swiftperch. That don't mean there ain't work to be done...just not by the likes of an unbloodied fry like yerself. Till ye've shown ye can hold yer own, I'll entrust the safety of this godsforsaken corner of the realm to more capable hands.
A fair lick, that were. Let me ready yer coin now, so as ye can be on yer way.
Ah, but not afore ye take this bounty. I saw what ye did up there to the wanted cur, like. Not fleyed, were ye?