Body Type
(~79.5 inches)
Option 1
Eye Shape
Option 3
Iris Size
Eye Color
Option 5
Option 1
Ear Shape
Option 1
Option 1
Ear Length
Facial Features/Tattoos/Ear Clasp/Face Paint
Planning on taking a jaunt around Rootslake, are we? Well, do take care and enjoy yourself. I shall see you when you return─rather, if you return.
After: Trial by Turtle
You've nothing left to prove, Forename. Nor do you require further assistance from me. You know what you must do next.
Word travels fast in the Company. Ground him beneath your heel, did you? Hah! A magnificent bastard after my own heart.
After: Better Left Unfound
Come to check on me, have you? Well, you may rest assured I have found new purpose at this humble post, and I have no intention of abandoning it again.
All that I have learned from my commander, I shall employ in service to the Wood Wailers and Gridania at large. 'Tis the least I can do to repay him for all he has done for me.
After: Our Unsung Heroes
You are a wise man, Commander. The duty of the strong is, and always will be, to protect the weak.
Well, if it isn't our former acting commander. You saw Lorens fight back there, yes? Some things never change.
I dueled the commander once when I first joined the Company. He insisted that we fight “on equal terms,” putting his guns aside to fight me lance against lance.
Despite the handicap, he bested me easily. Ever since then, I swore I'd follow him anywhere─until the day when I can return the favor.
Triple Triad Player Card
Rules, Conditions & Fee
Deck (Strength 21):
All Good Things
Fallen Ace, Chaos Regional Rules Active
MGP Rewards:
Potential Card Rewards:
On Challenge:
Looking to have a go, eh? A brief escape from the calm and quiet of this godsforsaken post is just what I needed. Have at you, then, that I might relive the thrill of days long past!
If Unavailable:
I see fire in your eyes, and though I would love to give you a good trouncing, I have duties to perform. Perhaps another time, friend.
On NPC Win:
Ahahaha! What bloody fun! I whipped you like a—erm, I mean... Good show, friend. I have to be more careful. All this excitement is like to sully my dutiful facade.
On Player Win:
Bah! Hells take you and that deck of yours. I'll have you know I was without equal in the Company of Heroes. <sigh> Those were the days...
On Draw:
Well played, friend. Well played. I can't remember the last time I've met such a fierce opponent. Perhaps I shouldn't go so easy on you when next we duel.
- Affiliation
- Gridania
- Occupation
- Wood Wailers, Triple Triad Player
- Biography
- Serving as captain of the Wood Wailers' Sixth Spear, Landenel has yet to reveal to his men that he once served with the Company of Heroes, fearing that it might cause them to judge Landenel on deeds they never witnessed. The Wildwood man learned to play cards during his sellsword days, and even at thirty and five summers, he continues to challenge adventurers to the occasional casual match, oft besting them with daring gambits.
The son of a criminal, Landenel is a childhood friend of Ywain, current master of the Lancers' Guild. A lapse in judgement on the Elezen's part led to Ywain's discharge from service.