Tenacity (Guildleve)

Guildleves plate final.pngTenacity (Guildleve)
Spelling: Tenacitie
Meaning: Tenacity is the quality or state of firmly holding onto something, usually one's duties or personal beliefs.
Notes: Tenacity leves are, for the most part, similar to Valor leves in that the only requirement is to defeat a quantity of mobs. However, when the final mob hits low HP, it will run off for reinforcements. Damage over time attacks or ranged attacks can finish it off, ending the leve. Otherwise, additional targets will spawn at its destination that must also be slain.
In Eorzea:
Tenacity (Guildleve).png

Portrays an Elezen archer riding a chocobo in a forest.
In Norvandt:
In Tural:
Levequests (23)

Name Level Starter Classes Items Needed
Ain't Nobody Got Time for Rats 1 Wyrkholsk Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Scourge of the Saplings 1 Muriaule Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Nothing Compares to Shrews 1 Graceful Song Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

River Raid 5 Muriaule Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Needles to Say 5 Graceful Song Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

March of the Mandragoras 5 Wyrkholsk Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Beak to Beak 10 Totonowa Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Turning Out the Blight 10 Tierney Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Too Close to Home 10 Tierney Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Jackal and the Livestock 10 Swygskyf Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

What Peistes Crave 10 Totonowa Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Grabbing Crabs 10 Swygskyf Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Can't Say No to Gnat 15 Qina Lyehga Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Sucked Dry 15 Orwen Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

The Root of the Problem 20 Nyell Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Dead Men Lie 25 Esmond Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Call Me Mating 30 Nahctahr Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Black Market Down 30 Merthelin Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Coeurl Scratch Fever 35 Aileen Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Cry Home 54 Eloin Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Hello, Cousin (L) 54 Eloin Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Goblin Up Sharlayan (L) 58 Eloin Disciples of MagicDisciples of War

Dance, Magic Dance 58 Eloin Disciples of MagicDisciples of War
