Ruby Weapon has 2 distinct phases, during which it uses the following moves and mechanics.
Phase 1
Attack Name |
Optimized Ultima
Moderate raid-wide AoE damage.
Causes 8 cracks to begin radiating from beneath the boss, with four longer, straight cracks and four shorter, bendy cracks. Immediately followed by Ravensclaw.
An AoE forms beneath the boss and, towards the end of the cast, at the end of the Flexiclaw cracks. To avoid, stand on the long Flexiclaw cracks against the hitbox. Deals heavy damage and applies a Vulnerability stack. Followed by either Liquefaction or Undermine.
Turns the entire arena into quicksand which will kill anyone standing in it after approximately 5 seconds. To avoid, stand on the Flexiclaw cracks. Deals heavy damage and applies a Vulnerability stack.
Causes all Flexiclaw cracks to explode. To avoid, move into the gaps left by the short cracks. There is small spaces left behind and against the hitbox for melee fighters to continue attacking. Deals heavy damage and applies a Vulnerability stack.
Ruby Ray
Massive line AoE directed at a random player. As wide as the hitbox. Move to his sides outside the hitbox or behind to avoid. Deals heavy damage and applies a Vulnerability stack.
Spawns three circle AoEs beneath the boss, along with three radial lines. At the end of the cast, the AoEs will continue along the path of the lines. Move away from the lines to avoid.
High-powered Homing Lasers
Targets two players with stack markers. Inflicts a Magic Vulnerability Up debuff on hit, so split the party between the two markers to avoid stacking debuffs.
The boss will move to the north side of the arena and multiple wide directional line AoEs will appear in sequence. At the end of the cast, the boss will move along these paths in the order placed. To avoid, get close to him on the opposite side of wherever the arrows were pointing first, then move through to the other side after he starts charging and continue to that side of the arena, which should be safe from AoEs.
Ruby Dynamics
The boss will jump to an edge of the arena and use a donut AoE that deals heavy damage and applies a Vulnerability stack. The safe spot is inside the hitbox. Immediately followed by Homing Laser.
Homing Laser
Marks each player with a circle AoE. Deals moderate damage; avoid overlapping.
Advice and Tips
- There is a narrow safe space along the Helioclaw radial lines. Melee can stand in the gap between the two AoEs inside the hitbox and avoid being hit as well.
- After the second Ravensflight, the boss will cast an extremely long Optimized Ultima which will kill everyone if it goes off. The boss must be killed before it can finish the cast.
Phase 2
Acts as a checkpoint. If the party wipes after this point, it will restart here.
Attack Name |
Meteor Project
Summons Dalamud. Notifications will appear on-screen to tell players when it will fall. Deals heavy damage. If allowed to land a third time during Outrage, it will wipe the party.
Negative Personae
Spawns two Raven's Image adds and causes the boss to become untargetable. Each tank must take one and keep them separated. Followed by Meteor Stream.
Meteor Stream
Cast by the boss while invulnerable during Negative Personae. Targets each DPS with an AoE that deals heavy damage. Avoid stacking together. If a DPS is dead at this part, will target a random tank or healer.
Raven's Image
Adds that must be tanked separately or they will tether together. Uses the following abilities:
- Ruby Claw: Tankbuster that hits 5 times in rapid succession. Cooldowns required.
Magitek Comet
Summons four proximity markers around the edge of the arena. Spawns comets when they go off. Stand in the middle or in between them at the edge to avoid excessive damage. Comets are necessary to avoid Magitek Meteor.
Magitek Meteor
Summons a massive meteor in the center of the arena which must be avoided by hiding behind Magitek Comets. Players that do not hide will be instantly killed.
Mark II Magitek Meteor
Summons four small moving circle AoEs. They will move five times, turning into a flashing white AoE on the fifth. One player must stand in each white AoE to "catch" a comet, which deal continuous tick damage to the player. Remaining players need to kill the comets before they kill the player. Any comets that hit the ground will immediately wipe the party.
Used during Mark II Magitek Meteor. Targets two random players with line AoEs.
Soft enrage. Deals moderate damage to all players. Will continuously cast until the boss or the group dies.
Advice and Tips
- Each tank should take a Mark II Magitek Meteor comet and use a cooldown; any DPS who took a meteor should be freed first.
- There are multiple mechanics that will instantly kill you or the entire group, so be careful!
(Blue Mage Spell Acquisition)