The Chrysalis

Trialicon.pngThe Chrysalis
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The Chrysalis.png
A ruthless Ascian known as Nabriales has intruded upon the sanctum of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, spiriting away both the Antecedent and the powerful relic she refused to yield. Pursue the Paragon through the dimensional rift and prise Minfilia─and Tupsimati─from his tenebrous grasp.


1 to 8 players (2 Tanks, 2 Healers, 4 DPS)
Class: Disciples of War or Magic
※ Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
Level: 50
※ Level will be synced upon entry.
Average Item Level: 90
※ While synced, all item stats are adjusted.
※ Role and item level restrictions are lifted for parties meeting minimum size requirements.

Party Requirement: Additional Loot Rules Unavailable

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
2 2 4
Minimum Level: 50 (Sync from 50)
Minimum iLevel: 90
Time Limit: 60 Minutes
Unrestricted Party: Allowed
Echo Icon.png The Echo: Party wipe +10%
(Max 50%)
Epic Echo (Status Effect) Icon.png Epic Echo: Default +300%
Unlock Quest: An Uninvited Ascian
Regular Duty: Trials: A Realm Reborn
Duty Roulette: Trials
Type: Trial
Zone: The Chrysalis (Zone)
Region: Mor Dhona (Region)
Weather: Fair Skies Fair Skies
Expansion: A Realm Reborn
Background Music: Thunderer
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png

Edit The Chrysalis's Dialogue

Nabriales has 3 distinct phases, with the following moves and mechanics.

Phase 1

Part 1 & 2 repeat until Phase 2. Do not use the Limit Break in this phase! It will be necessary for Phase 2.

Part 1

Attack Name Description
Spark Deals moderate damage to the MT. Usually always after Double or Triple, with Triple easily being able to kill the MT without heals between or shields.
Double Next skill used will be used twice in a row. Always followed by Spark.
Triple Next skill used will be used thrice in a row. Always followed by Spark.
End of Days Nabriales will teleport to a random part of the room before shooting a long line AoE at a random player. Sidestep to avoid, deals heavy damage and applies Supparation.
Quake III Raid-wide AoE that deals moderate damage.

Advice and Tips

  • Make sure to use cooldowns for Triple Spark or tank swap.

Part 2: Orbs

Ocassionally, Nabriales will teleport to the middle

Attack Name Description
Black Orbs Black orbs with a light blue crosshatch pattern. Deals physical damage and gives a stacking Physical Vulnerability Up debuff. This debuff is overwritten by the Red Orbs debuff. The more of these you take consecutively, the more damage you'll take, with 4-5 stacks generally being fatal. If it reaches Nabriales, it gives him a stack of Damage Up, which will increase the damage of Dark IV.
Red Orbs Red orbs with a black edge and a whiteish center, almost like a dragon eye, with a distinct aura. Deals magical damage and gives a stacking Magic Vulnerability Up debuff. This debuff is overwritten by the Black Orbs debuff. The more of these you take consecutively, the more damage you'll take, with 4-5 stacks generally being fatal. If it reaches Nabriales, it gives him a stack of Damage Up, which will increase the damage of Dark IV.
Red Orbs V2.0 A variation of the Red Orbs, this one has a more rounded white center without the darker edge and lacks the edgy aura of the Red Orbs. These orbs will turn into Shadow Sprites when touched or when they reach the boss.
Shadow Sprite Ocassionally spawn from Red Orbs V2.0 either when they are popped or when they reach the boss. Uses Dark II, a massive conal AoE, which deals moderate damage and applies a 10-second Heavy debuff. Generally 2-4 will spawn per round.
Dark IV Used at the end of this part of the phase. Signals the repeat of Part 1. Deals more damage the more Orbs reached the boss.

Advice and Tips

  • Alternate picking up Red Orbs with Black Orbs so you aren't killed by the Vulnerability stacks.
  • Any Orbs that reach Nabriales will increase the damage of Dark IV at the end of the phase, with 7+ stacks likely to kill players with low HP and 10 stacks likely causing a wipe.
  • Shadow Sprites can be tanked and should be faced away from the center of the room.

Phase 2

Starts around ~15%. Nabriales will call out "By Zodiark's name I command thee! River of time, mire mine enemy in thy sluggish flow!" and teleport away, leaving a void portal in the center of the room and applying a bleed to everyone. The portal will pulse, sucking players towards it a few times (players can move away at this time if they wish to hold off on entering) before it finally pulls everyone in entirely.

Attack Name Description
Tenfold It is important to note that when you are sucked into the portal, every buff on your hotbar with a timer will have that timer increased by a multiple of 10. All classes should pop Sprint before entering to get around easier, along with any shields, HoTs, or damage buffs they have.
Meteors Multiple Meteors will spawn around the arena that will touch down at different times. Only tanks should stand in these as they deal moderate damage, which should be negated by the preused shields buffed by Tenfold. If a player is not standing in them when the Meteor hits the ground, the entire group will take heavy damage. Too many of these going off at once or consecutively will likely wipe the group, and tanks will be unable to reach ALL of them in time.
Aetherial Tear Spawns after the touchdown of the first Meteor. A melee DPS should Limit Break this ASAP and the rest of the melee should immediately start burning this down. If it isn't killed in time, the damage from Meteors will eventually kill the group.

Advice and Tips

  • For Tenfold:
    • Tanks should pop all of their shields in preparation for this (Paladins can just pop Hallowed Ground and save their other abilities).
    • Healers should pre-cast any of their HoTs (shields unfortunately aren't as useful to prep as they will still break) or healing buffs.
    • DPS should pop any defensive abilities they might have and any buffs for themselves/the group.
  • If you do wipe in this phase, you'll have to start over again from Phase 1.

Phase 3

Uses the same mechanics as Phase 1, Part 1.

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