
(Redirected from SGE)
Sage Icon 3.pngSage (SGE)
Healerroleicon.png  Disciple of Magic > Healer
The Armoury
The nation of Sharlayan is the cradle of knowledge, and the Studium its foremost institution of learning. Yet more so than its incomparable library and formidable assemblage of Archons, this prestigious academy is famed for blending traditionally distinct fields to produce revolutionary new disciplines. Among these, perhaps the most distinguished is an altruistic art which draws upon the wisdom of aetherology, sorcery, and medicine. Dubbed somanoutics, the art seeks to heal and protect by manipulating corporeal aether through the use of nouliths, a flying array of foci. Practitioners are dedicated to the betterment of mankind, and for their wisdom and compassion, eventually came to be known simply as sages.
Featurequest1 Icon.png Unlock: Sage's Path (Lv. 70)
Unknownbattle1 Icon.png Weapon Type: Nouliths
Main Command 41 Icon.png Required: Endwalker
MainIcon5.png Starting Level: 70

Level Name   Description Stats
&0000000000000001000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  DosisDosis Icon.png Dosis

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 300.
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170

The mathematical base strength of an ability.300
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.1.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.300 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&0000000000000002000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  DiagnosisDiagnosis Icon.png Diagnosis

Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 450

The mathematical base strength of an ability.450
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.1.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&0000000000000004000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  KardiaKardia Icon.png Kardia

Grants self the effect of Kardia and a selected party member or self the effect of Kardion, restoring HP after casting certain magic attacks.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.5s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000001000000010 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  PrognosisPrognosis Icon.png Prognosis

Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 300

The mathematical base strength of an ability.300
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.700 MP
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)15y
&000000000000001200000012 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  EgeiroEgeiro Icon.png Egeiro

Resurrects target to a weakened state.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.8s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.2400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000002000000020 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  PhysisPhysis Icon.png Physis

Gradually restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 100
Duration: 15s

The mathematical base strength of an ability.100
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.60s
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)15y
&000000000000002600000026 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  PhlegmaPhlegma Icon.png Phlegma

Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 400 for the first enemy, and 30% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170
Maximum Charges: 2
Recast timer cannot be affected by status effects or gear attributes.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.400
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The rate at which charges are accumulated.40s
The maximum number of saved charges, allowing for an ability to be executed multiple times in quick succession. x2
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.6y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000003000000030 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  EukrasiaEukrasia Icon.png Eukrasia

Augments certain offensive and healing magic actions.
Dosis III is upgraded to Eukrasian Dosis III.
Dyskrasia II is upgraded to Eukrasian Dyskrasia.
Diagnosis is upgraded to Eukrasian Diagnosis.
Prognosis is upgraded to Eukrasian Prognosis II.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y
&000000000000003000000030 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Eukrasian DiagnosisEukrasian Diagnosis Icon.png Eukrasian Diagnosis

Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 300
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling 180% of the amount of HP restored. When critical HP is restored, also grants Differential Diagnosis, nullifying damage equaling 180% the amount of HP restored.
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Eukrasian Prognosis or scholar's Galvanize.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.300
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.800 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000003000000030 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Eukrasian DosisEukrasian Dosis Icon.png Eukrasian Dosis

Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 40
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.40
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000003000000030 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Eukrasian PrognosisEukrasian Prognosis Icon.png Eukrasian Prognosis

Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 100
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling 320% of the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with those of Eukrasian Diagnosis or scholar's Galvanize.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.100
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.800 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)15y
&000000000000003500000035 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  SoteriaSoteria Icon.png Soteria

Grants 4 stacks of Soteria, each stack increasing the cure potency of Kardion effects granted by you by 70%.
Duration: 15s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.60s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y
&000000000000004000000040 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  IcarusIcarus Icon.png Icarus

Rush to a targeted enemy's or party member's location.
Unable to cast if bound.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.45s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000004500000045 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  DruocholeDruochole Icon.png Druochole

Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 600
Additional Effect: Restores 7% of maximum MP
Addersgall Cost: 1

The mathematical base strength of an ability.600
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.1 Addersgall
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000004600000046 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  DyskrasiaDyskrasia Icon.png Dyskrasia

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 160 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170

The mathematical base strength of an ability.160
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000005000000050 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  KeracholeKerachole Icon.png Kerachole

Reduces damage taken by self and nearby party members by 10%.
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with Taurochole.
Additional Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 100
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Restores 7% of maximum MP
Addersgall Cost: 1

The mathematical base strength of an ability.100
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.30s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.1 Addersgall
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)30y
&000000000000005200000052 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  IxocholeIxochole Icon.png Ixochole

Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 400
Additional Effect: Restores 7% of maximum MP
Addersgall Cost: 1

The mathematical base strength of an ability.400
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.30s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.1 Addersgall
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)15y
&000000000000005600000056 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  ZoeZoe Icon.png Zoe

Increases healing magic potency of your next healing spell by 50%.
Duration: 30s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.90s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y
&000000000000005800000058 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  PepsisPepsis Icon.png Pepsis

Restores own HP and the HP of nearby party members by removing Eukrasian Diagnosis and Eukrasian Prognosis effects granted by you.
Eukrasian Diagnosis Cure Potency: 450
Eukrasian Prognosis Cure Potency: 350
Targets not under the effect of Eukrasian Diagnosis or Eukrasian Prognosis will not be healed.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.30s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)15y
&000000000000006000000060 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Physis IIPhysis II Icon.png Physis II

Gradually restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 130
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Increases HP recovered by healing actions by 10%
Duration: 15s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.60s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)30y
&000000000000006200000062 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  TaurocholeTaurochole Icon.png Taurochole

Restores own or target party member's HP.
Cure Potency: 700
Additional Effect: Reduces target's damage taken by 10%
Duration: 15s
Effect cannot be stacked with Kerachole.
Additional Effect: Restores 7% of maximum MP
Addersgall Cost: 1

The mathematical base strength of an ability.700
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.45s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.1 Addersgall
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000006600000066 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  ToxikonToxikon Icon.png Toxikon

Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 300 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170
Addersting Cost: 1

The mathematical base strength of an ability.300
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.1 Addersting
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000007000000070 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  HaimaHaima Icon.png Haima

Erects a magicked barrier around self or target party member that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 300 potency.
Additional Effect: Grants 5 stacks of Haimatinon
Duration: 15s
When the barrier is completely absorbed, a stack of Haimatinon is consumed and a new barrier is applied.
When the effect duration expires, a healing effect is then applied.
Cure Potency: 150 per remaining stack of Haimatinon

The mathematical base strength of an ability.300
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.120s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000007200000072 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Eukrasian Dosis IIEukrasian Dosis II Icon.png Eukrasian Dosis II

Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 60
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.60
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000007200000072 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Dosis IIDosis II Icon.png Dosis II

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 320.
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170

The mathematical base strength of an ability.320
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.1.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000007200000072 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Phlegma IIPhlegma II Icon.png Phlegma II

Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 490 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170
Maximum Charges: 2
Recast timer cannot be affected by status effects or gear attributes.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.490
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The rate at which charges are accumulated.40s
The maximum number of saved charges, allowing for an ability to be executed multiple times in quick succession. x2
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.6y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000007400000074 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  RhizomataRhizomata Icon.png Rhizomata

Grants 1 stack of Addersgall.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.90s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y
&000000000000007600000076 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  HolosHolos Icon.png Holos

Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 300
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Reduces damage taken by self and nearby party members by 10%
Duration: 20s

The mathematical base strength of an ability.300
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.120s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)30y
&000000000000008000000080 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png Rewarded from Quest PanhaimaPanhaima Icon.png Panhaima

Erects a magicked barrier around self and all party members near you that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 200 potency.
Additional Effect: Grants 5 stacks of Panhaimatinon
Duration: 15s
When the barrier is completely absorbed, a stack of Panhaimatinon is consumed and a new barrier is applied.
When the effect duration expires, a healing effect is then applied.
Cure Potency: 100 per remaining stack of Panhaimatinon

The mathematical base strength of an ability.200
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.120s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)30y
&000000000000008200000082 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Toxikon IIToxikon II Icon.png Toxikon II

Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 370 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170
Addersting Cost: 1

The mathematical base strength of an ability.370
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.1 Addersting
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000008200000082 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Dyskrasia IIDyskrasia II Icon.png Dyskrasia II

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 170 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170

The mathematical base strength of an ability.170
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000008200000082 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Eukrasian Dosis IIIEukrasian Dosis III Icon.png Eukrasian Dosis III

Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 75
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Eukrasian Dyskrasia.
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170
Can only be executed while under the effect of Eukrasia.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Dosis III changes to Eukrasian Dosis III when requirements for execution are met.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.75
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000008200000082 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Phlegma IIIPhlegma III Icon.png Phlegma III

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 8,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Bind
Duration: 3s
Additional Effect: Draws nearby enemies to target
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.8000
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.5y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000008200000082 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Eukrasian DyskrasiaEukrasian Dyskrasia Icon.png Eukrasian Dyskrasia

Deals unaspected damage over time to all nearby enemies.
Potency: 40
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with Eukrasian Dosis III.
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170
Can only be executed while under the effect of Eukrasia.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Dyskrasia II changes to Eukrasian Dyskrasia when requirements for execution are met.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.40
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000008200000082 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Dosis IIIDosis III Icon.png Dosis III

Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 370.
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170

The mathematical base strength of an ability.370
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.1.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000008600000086 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  KrasisKrasis Icon.png Krasis

Increases HP recovery via healing actions for a party member or self by 20%.
Duration: 10s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.60s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000009000000090 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  PneumaPneuma Icon.png Pneuma

Deals unaspected damage to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 370 for the first enemy, and 40% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Restores own HP and the HP of all party members within a radius of 20 yalms
Cure Potency: 600
Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you
Cure Potency: 170
Recast timer cannot be affected by status effects or gear attributes.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.370
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.1.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.120s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.700 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Straight line between player and target25y
&000000000000009200000092 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Psyche (Ability)Psyche (Ability) Icon.png Psyche (Ability)

Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.600
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.60s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
&000000000000009600000096 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  Eukrasian Prognosis IIEukrasian Prognosis II Icon.png Eukrasian Prognosis II

Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 100
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling 360% of the amount of HP restored
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with those of Eukrasian Diagnosis or scholar's Galvanize.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Eukrasia.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Prognosis changes to Eukrasian Prognosis II when requirements for execution are met.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.100
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.800 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)15y
&0000000000000100000000100 &Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}}SageSage Icon 3.png  PhilosophiaPhilosophia Icon.png Philosophia

Increases healing magic potency by 20%.
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Grants self and nearby party members the effect of Eudaimonia, restoring HP after landing spells
Cure Potency: 150
Duration: 20s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.180s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)30y

Level Name   Description Acquisition
&0000000000000008000000Healerroleicon.png ReposeRepose Icon.png Repose
Afflicts target with Sleep.

Duration: 30s Cancels auto-attack upon execution.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.600 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y
&000000000000001000000010 Healerroleicon.png EsunaEsuna Icon.png Esuna
Removes a single detrimental effect from target.
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.5s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.400 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y
&000000000000001400000014 Healerroleicon.png Lucid DreamingLucid Dreaming Icon.png Lucid Dreaming
Gradually restores own MP.

Potency: 55 Duration: 21s

The mathematical base strength of an ability.55
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.60s
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y
&000000000000001800000018 Healerroleicon.png SwiftcastSwiftcast Icon.png Swiftcast
Next spell is cast immediately.

Duration: 10s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.40s
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y
&000000000000004400000044 Healerroleicon.png SurecastSurecast Icon.png Surecast
Spells can be cast without interruption.

Additional Effect: Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects Duration: 6s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.120s
Self: Ability targets the user alone.0y
&000000000000004800000048 Healerroleicon.png RescueRescue Icon.png Rescue
Instantly draws target party member to your side. Cannot be used outside of combat or when target is suffering from certain enfeeblements.
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.120s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Single Target: Ability which targets a single target.0y

Level Name Description
&000000000000002000000020Maim and Mend Maim and Mend Icon.png Maim and Mend Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%. Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 10%.
&000000000000004000000040Maim and Mend II Maim and Mend II Icon.png Maim and Mend II Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%. Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 30%.
&000000000000004500000045Addersgall Addersgall Icon.png Addersgall Grants 1 stack of Addersgall automatically every twenty seconds.

Maximum Stacks: 3 Can be charged outside of combat.

&000000000000005400000054Somanoutic Oath Somanoutic Oath Icon.png Somanoutic Oath Increases potency to 250.
Increases potency to 330.
Increases potency to 35.
&000000000000006000000060Physis Mastery Physis Mastery Icon.png Physis Mastery Upgrades Physis to Physis II.
Upgrades Physis to Physis II.
&000000000000006400000064Somanoutic Oath II Somanoutic Oath II Icon.png Somanoutic Oath II Increases potency to 300.
Increases potency to 400.
Increases potency to 40.
&000000000000006600000066Addersting Addersting Icon.png Addersting Grants 1 stack of Addersting when the barrier granted by Eukrasian Diagnosis to any party member or the barrier granted by Eukrasian Prognosis to self is completely absorbed.
Maximum Stacks: 3
&000000000000007200000072Offensive Magic Mastery Offensive Magic Mastery Icon.png Offensive Magic Mastery Upgrades Dosis to Dosis II.
Upgrades Phlegma to Phlegma II.
Upgrades Eukrasian Dosis to Eukrasian Dosis II.
Increases potency to 300.
&000000000000007800000078Enhanced Kerachole Enhanced Kerachole Icon.png Enhanced Kerachole Adds an additional effect to Kerachole that grants healing over time.
&000000000000008200000082Offensive Magic Mastery II Offensive Magic Mastery II Icon.png Offensive Magic Mastery II Upgrades Dosis II to Dosis III.
Upgrades Dosis II to Dosis III.
Upgrades Phlegma II to Phlegma III.
Upgrades Phlegma II to Phlegma III.
Upgrades Eukrasian Dosis II to Eukrasian Dosis III.
Upgrades Eukrasian Dosis II to Eukrasian Dosis III.
Upgrades Dyskrasia to Dyskrasia II.
Upgrades Dyskrasia to Dyskrasia II.
Upgrades Toxikon to Toxikon II.
Upgrades Toxikon to Toxikon II.
&000000000000008500000085Enhanced Healing Magic (Sage) Enhanced Healing Magic (Sage) Icon.png Enhanced Healing Magic (Sage) Increases the healing potency of Diagnosis to 450.
Increases the healing potency of Kardia to 170.
Increases the strength of the barrier granted by Eukrasian Diagnosis to 180% of the amount of HP restored.
Increases the strength of the barrier granted by Eukrasian Prognosis to 320% of the amount of HP restored.
&000000000000008800000088Enhanced Zoe Enhanced Zoe Icon.png Enhanced Zoe Reduces Zoe recast time to 90 seconds.
&000000000000009400000094Enhanced Soteria Enhanced Soteria Icon.png Enhanced Soteria Reduces Soteria recast time to 60 seconds.
&000000000000009400000094Magick Mastery (Sage) Magick Mastery (Sage) Icon.png Magick Mastery (Sage) Increases the potency of Dosis III to 370, Toxikon II to 370, and Pneuma to 370.Increases the potency to 370.
Increases the potency to 370.
Increases the potency to 370.
&000000000000009600000096Eukrasian Prognosis Mastery Eukrasian Prognosis Mastery Icon.png Eukrasian Prognosis Mastery Upgrades Eukrasian Prognosis to Eukrasian Prognosis II.
&000000000000009800000098Enhanced Physis II Enhanced Physis II Icon.png Enhanced Physis II Extends the duration of the effect increasing HP recovered by healing actions to 15 seconds.

Level Name Description
&000000000000009400000094Enhanced Swiftcast Enhanced Swiftcast Icon.png Enhanced Swiftcast Reduces Swiftcast recast time to 40 seconds.

Level Name   Description Stats
&0000000000000001000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}} 1Healer Icon 3.png  Healing WindHealing Wind Icon.png Healing Wind
(Limit Break Level 1)

Restores 25% of HP of all nearby party members.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2s
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)30y
&0000000000000001000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}} 2Healer Icon 3.png  Breath of the EarthBreath of the Earth Icon.png Breath of the Earth
(Limit Break Level 2)

Restores 60% of HP of all nearby party members.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2s
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)30y
&0000000000000001000000&Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".{{{Min Level}}} 3HealerSage Icon 3.png  Techne MakreTechne Makre Icon.png Techne Makre
(Limit Break Level 3)

Restores 100% of HP of all nearby party members, even if they are currently dead. If resurrected this way, party members also revive with 100% MP and are not given Weakness or Brink of Death debuffs.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.2s
Point blank AoE (epicenter: player; angle: 360°)50y

Eukrasia Gauge.png Upon learning the action Eukrasia, you'll be able to view the Eukrasia Gauge. Eukrasia strengthens Dosis, Diagnosis, and Prognosis, which change action effects.
Addersgall Gauge.png Upon learning the trait Addersgall, you will be able to view the Addersgall Gauge, which displays the amount of Addersgall that has been applied.

Addersgall increases over time. You can use the amount accumulated to execute several actions such as Druochole and Kerachole (acquired at level 50).

Addersting Gauge.png When you learn the trait Addersting, it will become visible on the Addersgall Gauge.

Addersting is accumulated when a magicked barrier from Eukrasian Diagnosis disappears after nullifying damage. You can use the amount accumulated to execute several actions such as Toxikon and Toxikon II (acquired at level 82).

Eukrasia Gauge-Simple.png The Simple Mode display for Eukrasia Gauge
Addersgall Gauge-Simple.png The Simple Mode display for the Addersgall Gauge

Name   Description Stats
Dosis III (PvP)Dosis III (PvP) Icon.png Dosis III (PvP)
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 6,000.

Additional Effect: Restores HP to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you Cure Potency: 4,000

The mathematical base strength of an ability.6000
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.1.44s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.4s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Eukrasia (PvP)Eukrasia (PvP) Icon.png Eukrasia (PvP)
Upgrades Dosis III to Eukrasian Dosis III.

Duration: 10s Effect expires upon executing Eukrasian Dosis III. Maximum Charges: 2 This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.12s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Eukrasian Dosis III (PvP)Eukrasian Dosis III (PvP) Icon.png Eukrasian Dosis III (PvP)
Deals unaspected damage over time.

Potency: 3,000 Duration: 12s Additional Effect: Grants Eukrasian Diagnosis to targets under the effect of Kardion granted by you Eukrasian Diagnosis Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equivalent to a heal of 8,000 potency Duration: 12s Grants Addersting when barrier is completely absorbed. Duration: 15s

※Toxikon changes to Toxikon II while under the effect of Addersting. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.3000
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1.5s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Icarus (PvP)Icarus (PvP) Icon.png Icarus (PvP)
Rush to a targeted enemy's or party member's location.

Maximum Charges: 2 Unable to cast if bound.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Kardia (PvP)Kardia (PvP) Icon.png Kardia (PvP)
Grants self the effect of Kardia and a selected party member or self the effect of Kardion, granting the additional effects of Dosis III and Eukrasian Dosis III when these spells are cast.
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Mesotes (PvP)Mesotes (PvP) Icon.png Mesotes (PvP)
(Limit Break)
Erects a magicked barrier at a select location, granting party members the effect of Mesotes and afflicting enemies with the effect of Lype when standing inside.

Duration: 15s Mesotes Effect: Negates all damage from enemies who are not under the effect of Lype Duration: 5s Lype Effect: Damage over time Potency: 8,000 Duration: 5s The barrier can be relocated once before its effect expires, but the effect duration will not be reset. Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full. Gauge Charge Time: 120s

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.10s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.30y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
Phlegma III (PvP)Phlegma III (PvP) Icon.png Phlegma III (PvP)
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 10,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.

Maximum Charges: 2 This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.10000
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.30s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.5y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
Pneuma (PvP)Pneuma (PvP) Icon.png Pneuma (PvP)
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 12,000 to all enemies in a straight line before you.

Additional Effect: Grants Haima and 3 stacks of Haimatinon to self and all party members within 20 yalms Haima Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equivalent to a heal of 4,000 potency Duration: 10s When the barrier is completely absorbed, a stack of Haimatinon is consumed and a new barrier is applied. When the effect duration expires, a healing effect is then applied. Cure Potency: 4,000 per remaining stack of Haimatinon This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.12000
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.1.44s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.30s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Straight line between player and target25y
Psyche (PvP)Psyche (PvP) Icon.png Psyche (PvP)
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 12,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.

Potency is halved for enemies more than 3 yalms away from first target. Combo Action: Phlegma III

The mathematical base strength of an ability.12000
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.2.4s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
Toxikon (PvP)Toxikon (PvP) Icon.png Toxikon (PvP)
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 2,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.

Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 10% Duration: 6s Maximum Charges: 2

The mathematical base strength of an ability.2000
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y
Toxikon II (PvP)Toxikon II (PvP) Icon.png Toxikon II (PvP)
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 8,000 for the first enemy, and 4,000 for all remaining enemies.

Additional Effect: Increases target's damage taken by 10% Duration: 6s Can only be executed while under the effect of Addersting.

※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

The mathematical base strength of an ability.8000
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.25y
Targeted AoE (epicenter: afflicted target; angle: 360°)5y

Role Name   Description Stats
Healerroleicon.png Guard (PvP)Guard (PvP) Icon.png Guard (PvP)
Reduces damage taken by 90% and grants immunity to Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, and knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 5s

Movement speed is reduced by 50% for the duration of this effect. Effect ends upon reuse, using another action, or when the effect duration expires.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.30s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Healerroleicon.png Purify (PvP)Purify (PvP) Icon.png Purify (PvP)
Removes Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Deep Freeze, and Miracle of Nature.

Additional Effect: Grants Resilience

Resilience Effect: Nullifies status afflictions that can be removed by Purify, as well as knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 3s

Can be used even when under the effect of certain status afflictions.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.24s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Healerroleicon.png Recuperate (PvP)Recuperate (PvP) Icon.png Recuperate (PvP)
Restores own HP.

Cure Potency: 15,000

The mathematical base strength of an ability.15000
The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1.0s
The cost associated with the use of the ability.2500 MP
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Healerroleicon.png Sprint (PvP)Sprint (PvP) Icon.png Sprint (PvP)
Increases movement speed by 50%.

Effect ends upon reuse or execution of another action.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.Instant
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.1.5s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y
Healerroleicon.png Standard-issue Elixir (PvP)Standard-issue Elixir (PvP) Icon.png Standard-issue Elixir (PvP)
Restores your HP and MP to maximum.

Casting will be interrupted when damage is taken.

The amount of time it takes from pressing an ability, to when the ability activates.4.5s
The amount of time it takes from using an ability, to being able to use it again.5.0s
The range of an ability, measured between player and target, in yalms.0y

PvP Eukrasia Gauge60.png A symbol for Eukrasia will appear when you use it.

When you perform Eukrasia, the actions Dosis III, Diagnosis, and Prognosis are enhanced and their effects change.

PvP Addersgall Gauge60.png The Addersgall Gauge displays the amount of Addersgall that has been applied.

Addersgall increases over time. You can use the amount accumulated to execute several actions such as Druochole and Ixochole.

Additional Information
Sage Weapons
Sage Head Sage Body Sage Hands Sage Legs Sage Feet
Sage Earrings Sage Necklace Sage Bracelets Sage Ring
Sage Exclusive Sage Sets
Class/Job Quests
Name Level
Traditions and Travails &000000000000007000000070&000000000006880300000068,803Traditions and Travails Healer Lvl.70
Sage's Path &000000000000007000000070&000000000006960300000069,603Sage's Path Spacer2.png Lvl.70
Sage's Focus &000000000000007000000070&000000000006960400000069,604Sage's Focus Sage Icon 3.png Lvl.70
Affronts and Allies &000000000000007200000072&000000000006880400000068,804Affronts and Allies Healer Lvl.72
Sands of Despair &000000000000007300000073&000000000006960500000069,605Sands of Despair Sage Icon 3.png Lvl.73
The Scientific Method &000000000000007400000074&000000000006880500000068,805The Scientific Method Healer Lvl.74
A Poisoned Gift &000000000000007500000075&000000000006960600000069,606A Poisoned Gift Sage Icon 3.png Lvl.75
The Lost and the Found &000000000000007600000076&000000000006880600000068,806The Lost and the Found Healer Lvl.76
Never to Return &000000000000007800000078&000000000006880700000068,807Never to Return Healer Lvl.78
Pledge of Hope &000000000000007800000078&000000000006960700000069,607Pledge of Hope Sage Icon 3.png Lvl.78
The Soul of Temperance &000000000000008000000080&000000000006880800000068,808The Soul of Temperance Healer Lvl.80
Life Ephemeral, Path Eternal &000000000000008000000080&000000000006960800000069,608Life Ephemeral, Path Eternal Sage Icon 3.png Lvl.80
Far from Free &000000000000008500000085&000000000006964400000069,644Far from Free Healer Lvl.85
The Butcher's Blade &000000000000008600000086&000000000006964500000069,645The Butcher's Blade Healer Lvl.86
A New Battleground &000000000000008700000087&000000000006964600000069,646A New Battleground Healer Lvl.87
Laying the Past to Rest &000000000000008800000088&000000000006964700000069,647Laying the Past to Rest Healer Lvl.88
Trail of Skulls &000000000000008900000089&000000000006964800000069,648Trail of Skulls Healer Lvl.89
The Gift of Mercy &000000000000009000000090&000000000006964900000069,649The Gift of Mercy Healer Lvl.90
In the Sting of Things &000000000000009000000090&000000000007036000000070,360In the Sting of Things Healer Lvl.90
Causing Problems on Purpose &000000000000009200000092&000000000007036100000070,361Causing Problems on Purpose Healer Lvl.92
Living among the Deadly &000000000000009400000094&000000000007036200000070,362Living among the Deadly Healer Lvl.94
Taste of a Toxin Paradise &000000000000009600000096&000000000007036300000070,363Taste of a Toxin Paradise Healer Lvl.96
Downed by the River &000000000000009800000098&000000000007036400000070,364Downed by the River Healer Lvl.98
An Antidote for Anarchy &0000000000000100000000100&000000000007036500000070,365An Antidote for Anarchy Healer Lvl.100
