The Copied Factory

Raidicon.pngThe Copied Factory
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The Copied Factory.png
Anogg and Konogg's explosive efforts have at last opened a path from Komra's excavation tunnels into an expanse of enigmatic ruins─but if the equally enigmatic 2P is to be believed, it will not be the inert and rusting relics of a long-dead civilization that await within, but life unlike any this world has ever seen...


1 to 8 players (3 parties of 1 Tank, 2 Healers, 5 DPS)
※ Three parties with at least one member each are necessary when Unrestricted Party requirements are in effect.
Class: Disciples of War or Magic
※ Limited jobs can participate only in a preformed party meeting party size requirements or an unrestricted party, and if duty rules allow.
Level: 80
※ Level will be synced upon entry.
Average Item Level: 435
※ While synced, all item stats are adjusted.
Alliance Registration
※ Role and item level restrictions are lifted for 24-member alliances.


Additional Loot Rules Unavailable

Tankroleicon.png Healerroleicon.png Dpsroleicon.png
3 6 15
Minimum Level: 80 (Sync from 80)
Minimum iLevel: 435
Time Limit: 120 Minutes Minutes
Unrestricted Party: Allowed
Unlock Quest: On the Threshold
Regular Duty: Raids (Shadowbringers)
Duty Roulette: Alliance Raids
Type: Raid
Zone: The Copied Factory (Zone)
Region: Norvrandt
Expansion: Shadowbringers
Guide: The Copied Factory Guide
Background Music: Alien Manifestation
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Icon.png
Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics Icon.png
Allagan Tomestone of Heliometry Icon.png

  • Clear Warehouse: 0/1
  • Clear Warehouse B: 0/1
  • Clear Quality Assurance: 0/1
  • Clear Warehouse C: 0/1
  • Clear the Forward Deck: 0/1
  • Clear the Rear Deck: 0/1

Edit The Copied Factory's Dialogue

Serial-jointed Command Model
Attack Name Description
Systematic Siege Summons multiple untargetable adds that float along the edges of the arena. They shoot out slow moving orbs as they move side to side that travel to the other edge of the arena. Touching an orb causes it to explode in a medium AoE, dealing moderate damage and applying a Vulnerability stack. Energy Bombardment is used during this.
Energy Bombardment Summons multiple AoEs under random players' feet. Deals moderate damage and applies a Vulnerability stack if hit. Used during Systematic Siege.
Forceful Impact Room-wide moderate AoE damage.
Energy Assault The boss turns to face a random player and begins casting this ability. At the end of the cast, it transforms and begins shooting out a massive conal AoE of stylized orbs. Deals continuous minor damage while standing inside. Players need to move to his sides or behind him to avoid the damage.
Systematic Targeting Summons multiple untargetable adds that appear around the arena. They shoot out laser beams towards players with a large green marker that turns to red as they finish their "lock on" sequence. When the marker disappears, each thin line turns into a wider line AoE that deals moderate damage and applies a Vulnerability stack. Marked players should stand still until the marker disappears, then move away from the beams. Unmarked players should find a place away from the beams ASAP. Can happen during Systematic Siege.
Sidestriking Spin At the end of the cast, 2 large line AoEs appear on either side of the boss, hugging the edges of his hitbox. The boss slams his arms down to the sides, dealing heavy damage and applying a Vulnerability stack while throwing them into the air. Players should move to stand just behind the boss, keeping in line with his hitbox, or keep a fair distance from the sides.
Centrifugal Spin At the end of the cast, 1 large line AoE appears straight down the middle of the boss, as wide as his hitbox. The boss slams his arms down in this AoE, dealing heavy damage and applying a Vulnerability stack while throwing them into the air. Players should move to stand at this sides, keeping in line with his hitbox, or keep a fair distance from his front and back.
Systematic Airstrike Summons ~8 untargetable adds that are hovering over the arena with red spotlights pointed at the ground. The edges of the mesh floor are marked with movement arrows, indicating the direction that the untargetable adds are going to move in and along. After a few seconds (or when a spotlight touches a player?) they will begin dropping a series of large AoEs on the ground as they go, dealing damage and applying a Vulnerability stack to anyone hit. Keep an eye on the directional arrows and where the adds are floating above to find safe spaces where they won't hit you.
Clanging Blow Tankbuster. Deals moderate damage.
Systematic Suppression Summons 4 untargetable adds in a line along one half of the arena. They begin charging their lasers and then shoot them across the arena, dealing heavy damage and applying a Vulnerability stack to players hit. A second set is summoned just after the first, covering the other half of the arena. Players must move into the safe spot from the first lasers and wait for them to go off, then move into the now-safe space to avoid the second set.

Later in the fight, it will summon 2 massive laser beams perpendicular to each other after the first instead of just one. Players will need to move out of the first and then back into the 1/4th of the arena that won't be hit by the second set of beams. Standing close to the center allows for speedy switching of safe spots.

Shockwave Knocks players backwards. Can be used during Systematic Airstrike.
Orb Wave No cast bar. Summons a giant AoE just under the boss. After a few seconds, the boss shoots a ring of orbs out around it, followed by 3 more donut AoEs of orbs in an increasingly wider radius that touches the edge of the last AoE. Easily will cover the entire arena by the last donut AoE. Players should move away from the boss to the edge of the first circle AoE, then step towards the boss after it hits and before the first donut AoE hits the ground.

Advice and Tips

  • Keep away from the adds making the smaller path during Systematic Airstrike. They move faster due to the small track they are on as well as the AoEs easily covering the small center square. Identify a spot closer to the middle or along the larger tracks where the adds will pass through right away so you have a safe spot to stand for the rest of the attack.
  • Make sure to move away from the Systematic Targeting laser beams after they've locked on, as the thin lines turn into wider line AoEs.
  • When the boss starts using Energy Assault, determine what direction it's facing and move to the sides. Standing beside one of its blocky arms is a quick way to get out of the danger zone if you can't see his hitbox.
YoRHa Type-51 Headband of Fending Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Headband of Maiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Striking Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Hood of Scouting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Hood of Aiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Casting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Healing Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Fending Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Maiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Striking Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Scouting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Aiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Casting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Healing Icon.png
Players start this fight by being shuttled into individual arenas, one for each group. The boss won't appear until all of the alliance is in the arena(?). Rezzing someone onto your platform from another group will have them swept away back to their group's platform. Each tank will be autoattacked for the duration of the fight, regardless of aggro.
Attack Name Description
Platforms Each group has a unique platform determined by their alliance.
  • Alliance A: Robot floor. There are strips of steel girders cutting this into long lines, which helps to identify where the edge of the AoEs will be. Identified by alternating strips of the floor turning red. Players want to move onto the non-glowing parts of the floor. Can happen twice in a row, where players will have to move onto the previously marked floor to get away from the second hit. Being hit deals moderate damage and applies a vulnerability stack.
  • Alliance B: Conveyor belt floor. The belts will periodically light up either blue or red. Blue belts push the player westward, red belts push the player eastward. The knockback is about half the size of the stage.
  • Alliance C: Oil floor. The floor is a metallic grid with liquid underneath. It also has 4 smaller circular platforms on cardinal positions. Periodically, the liquid will pour out of either the four smaller platforms, or the rest of the platform. Being hit deals moderate damage, knocks the player up, and applies a vulnerability stack.
Walls The walls spin around the alliances, which will use random mechanics on them depending on what it stops at.
  • Left Arm: Box people. The arm drops a crate on the center, dealing distance based damage. The crate will then fall apart, dealing heavy damage to any player standing on the falling panels' trajectory. Four small robots will then come out of the crate and tether to random players. After a brief delay, the robots will rush towards their tethered targets and explode, dealing heavy damage. The tank should intercept all the tethers and move away from the group; they can survive all if they are topped up.
  • Right Arm: Spinner. A blue AOE which inflicts an Electrocution DoT appears in the middle with a directional indicator spinning around it, along with 2 conal AoEs and a large donut AoE. After the first set of AoEs go off, the claw will rotate 120° in the direction indicated by the spinner in the center, rotating the AoEs and doing them again. Repeats once more for a total of 3 times. Players should move to stand in the safe spots between the AoEs each time the rotate. Being hit deals moderate damage and applies a Physical Vulnerability Up debuff.
  • Flamethrower: Three different sets of flamethrowers will start heating up, making that part of the platform unsafe. In the case the four center flamethrowers light up, only a pair small slices on the sides of the platform will be safe. Standing in the fire deals moderate damage and applies a stacking Burns debuff.
Laser-resistance Test Shoots out a series of room-wide AoEs that deal mild to moderate damage per hit. Starts with 3 hits and increases by 1 each time it's used.
Ring Laser Starts with a large donut AoE around the edge of each Platform, with arrows pointing in. After hitting, another will appear just inside the previous, followed by a final one, leaving the center of the platform safe from the AoE. Being hit deals heavy damage and applies a 40-second Magic Vulnerability debuff. Can be combined with Platforms, which decreases the amount of safe space drastically depending on the platform.
Laser Sight Obvious line-stack mechanic. Can be combined with Platforms and Walls.
??? (Targeted AoEs) Marks ~4 players in each alliance with large AoE markers. Spread them out and avoid stacking with marked players. Can be combined with Platforms, which decreases the amount of safe space drastically depending on the platform.

Advice and Tips

  • It is entirely possible to finish this boss with only 1 alliance standing, so don't worry if the other alliances are having difficulties.
  • Tanks should pick up all of the Box People by running through the tethers and moving to the side with less players.
  • Facing your camera towards the back of the arena will help you to dodge any Wall mechanics more easily.
  • Debuffing the boss for later Ring Lasers helps keep the damage down, especially when its using it 8+ times in a row.
YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Fending Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Maiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Striking Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Scouting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Aiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Casting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Healing Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Fending Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Maiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Striking Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Scouting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Aiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Casting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Healing Icon.png
This boss has 3 phases, during which it uses the following moves and mechanics. It is possible to fall off the platform on this fight.

Phase 1

Attack Name Description
Marx Smash Three variations to this ability. All deal heavy to fatal damage and apply a Vulnerability stack.
  • Sides: The boss pulls back one of its arms and it starts glowing with fire. At the end of the cast, it swings forward, dealing heavy to fatal damage to all players on that half of the arena. If you live, grants a Vulnerability stack so you won't live through the next one. Usually followed up by using it on the opposite side after.
  • Front & Mid: Raises both arms into the air and leans slightly forward. At the end of the cast, attacks the back half of the arena before doing 2 line AoEs on either side, leaving a sliver of safe space in the middle of the arena. Move to the front and middle of the arena to avoid. Generally used first, but can be second rarely.
  • Sides & Back: Raises both arms to the sides and leans slightly back. At the end of the cast, attacks the front half of the platform before doing a line AoE down the center of the arena. Move towards the back corners to avoid. Generally used second, but can be first rarely.
Precision Guided Missile Marks each tank with a red marker. After a few seconds, hits them with an attack that deals heavy damage to all targets in a medium AoE around them. Very easily kills anyone who isn't a tank.
Incendiary Bombing Marks ~3 players with a marker. At the end of the cast, drops AoE markers on the floor beneath them, which resolve into fire puddles after a few seconds. Players can stack the markers together to minimize the amount of floor taking up by the fire puddle.
Guided Missile Marks 3 players with a pulsing yellow marker that leaves a trail after them. After a few seconds, the marker goes away and it drops a series of chasing AoEs on the player. Being hit deals moderate to heavy damage and applies a Vulnerability stack. Marked players should move out of the group to a less populated side of the platform and wait for the first AoE to appear before running to the other side of the platform. Drops ~5 AoEs. Moving too slowly will get you hit by multiple AoEs, easily killing you.
Diffuse Laser Room-wide AoE. Deals moderate damage.
Energy Barrage A wide line AoE down the center of the arena. Deals continuous damage while standing inside of it. Used after the alternate versions of Marx Smash. Followed by Energy Dispersal.
Energy Dispersal Meteor towers, 12 total. Requires at least 1 player per tower. Six of the towers are initially covered by the Energy Barrage, so some players need to be ready to move into the middle to get those.
Surface Missile Drops AoEs under random players' feet. Deals moderate damage.

Advice and Tips

  • For the alternate versions of Marx Smash, hands up = front & mid, hands to the sides = back & sides.
  • Standing towards the center of the room allows for easier dodging of most of the AoEs.
  • Players can stack the Incendiary Bomb AoEs together to have less floor covered in puddles.

Phase 2

Attack Name Description
Charge Guage Continuously fills until it reaches 100% or all Adds are dead. Affects how much damage is dealt by Diffuse Laser.
  • Reverse-jointed Goliath: Miniboss. Must be tanked and kept separate from other Goliaths or they will tether and take extremely reduced damage. Uses Arm Laser, a large frontal cone AoE aimed at whoever is tanking.
  • Small Biped: Spawns 9 of them, AoE fodder. Ignore.
Demolish Structure Used after all Adds are dead. Puts a proximity marker in the center of the platform. When it goes off, the boss destroys the platform, knocking players back. Ensure you are standing towards the South side of the platform so you can land on the platform you passed on the way into the arena. Marks the start of Phase 3.

Advice and Tips

  • 2P will kill the Small Bipeds right away, so ignore them and focus on your group's Goliath.
  • Stand to the South of the arena during Demolish Structure so you don't die by falling off.

Phase 3

Uses all abilities from Phase 1 in addition to those below.

Attack Name Description
Marx Activation Summons arms along the side of the arena. They will either start at the back of the room or move to the front, coming together in the middle in a long line AoE before moving to the middle and doing it again, and one final time in the opposite side. Being hit deals heavy damage and applies a vulnerability stack.
Area Bombardment Uses Incendiary Bombing, Surface Missile, and Guided Missile one after the other.
Incendiary Saturation Bombing Only used once in the fight. Marks the entire back half of the arena with a flame puddle. Immediately followed by Marx Crush.
Marx Crush Immediately after Incendiary Saturation Bombing. Marks both sides of the arena with rectangular AoEs. When they resolve, the boss becomes untargetable and its claw hands (Marx L/R) on either side become targetable.
Marx L/R Summoned by Marx Crush.
  • Crushing Wheel: Causes the hands to move closer to the center, dealing moderate damage to all players.

Advice and Tips

  • After Incendiary Saturation Bombing, the fight will continue as it did previously until the boss dies.
YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Fending Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Maiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Striking Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Scouting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Coat of Aiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Robe of Casting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Healing Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Fending Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Maiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Striking Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Scouting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Aiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Casting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Healing Icon.png
9S-operated Walking Fortress
Attack Name Description

Advice and Tips

Chest 1
YoRHa Type-51 Headband of Fending Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Headband of Maiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Striking Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Hood of Scouting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Hood of Aiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Casting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Healing Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Fending Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Maiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Striking Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Scouting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Coat of Aiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Robe of Casting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Healing Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Fending Icon.png
YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Maiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Striking Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Scouting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Aiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Casting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Healing Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Fending Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Maiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Striking Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Scouting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Aiming Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Casting Icon.png YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Healing Icon.png
Chest 2
Pod 054 Icon.png Pod 316 Icon.png 9S Card Icon.png 9S Card Icon.png 9S Card Icon.png City Ruins (Rays of Light) Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Alien Manifestation Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Song of the Ancients (Atonement) Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Bipolar Nightmare Orchestrion Roll Icon.png Weight of the World (Prelude Version) Orchestrion Roll Icon.png No.2 Type B Materiel Storage Crate Icon.png No.2 Type B Materiel Storage Crate Icon.png No.2 Type B Materiel Storage Crate Icon.png

Drop Table (44)
Item Type iLvl Requirements Stats
 9S Card Icon.png  
9S Card
Seasonalachievementicon.pngGold chest icon.png
 Triple Triad Card  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A legendary (★★★★★) card used in the game Triple Triad.
Card No. 268

 Bipolar Nightmare Orchestrion Roll Icon.png  
Bipolar Nightmare Orchestrion Roll
Gold chest icon.png
 Orchestrion Roll  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Music roll for Bipolar Nightmare. Use to add to your orchestrion list.

 City Ruins (Rays of Light) Orchestrion Roll Icon.png  
City Ruins (Rays of Light) Orchestrion Roll
Gold chest icon.png
 Orchestrion Roll  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Music roll for City Ruins (Rays of Light). Use to add to your orchestrion list.

 No.2 Type B Materiel Storage Crate Icon.png  
No.2 Type B Materiel Storage Crate
Gold chest icon.png
 Miscellany  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
A manufactured crate containing a full set of No.2 Type B attire.

Required level: 1. IL: 1.

 Pod 054 Icon.png  
Pod 054
Gold chest icon.png
 Minion  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
The perfect assistant for adventuring...or it would be, if it worked properly.

Use item to acquire the pod 054 minion.

 Pod 316 Icon.png  
Pod 316
Gold chest icon.png
 Minion  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
The perfect assistant for adventuring...or it would be, if it worked properly.

Use item to acquire the pod 316 minion.

 Song of the Ancients (Atonement) Orchestrion Roll Icon.png  
Song of the Ancients (Atonement) Orchestrion Roll
Gold chest icon.png
 Orchestrion Roll  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Music roll for Song of the Ancients (Atonement). Use to add to your orchestrion list.

 Weight of the World (Prelude Version) Orchestrion Roll Icon.png  
Weight of the World (Prelude Version) Orchestrion Roll
Gold chest icon.png
 Orchestrion Roll  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Music roll for Weight of the World (Prelude Version). Use to add to your orchestrion list.

 Alien Manifestation Orchestrion Roll Icon.png  
Alien Manifestation Orchestrion Roll
Gold chest icon.png
 Orchestrion Roll  &00000000000000010000001&00000000000000010000001
Req. Level 1
Music roll for Alien Manifestation. Use to add to your orchestrion list.

 YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Fending Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 80
Defense 716Magic Defense 716
Strength &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000173000000+173
Tenacity &0000000000000171000000+171
Skill Speed &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Striking Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 80
Defense 394Magic Defense 394
Strength &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000173000000+173
Critical Hit &0000000000000171000000+171
Determination &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Headband of Fending Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Headband of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 80
Defense 534Magic Defense 534
Strength &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108
Critical Hit &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Headband of Maiming Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Headband of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 374Magic Defense 294
Strength &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000108000000+108
Skill Speed &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Hood of Aiming Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Hood of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 80
Defense 294Magic Defense 294
Dexterity &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108
Skill Speed &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Hood of Scouting Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Hood of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 294Magic Defense 294
Dexterity &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Skill Speed &0000000000000108000000+108
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Robe of Casting Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Robe of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 80
Defense 286Magic Defense 501
Intelligence &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000156000000+156
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000171000000+171
Spell Speed &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Healing Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 80
Defense 286Magic Defense 501
Mind &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000156000000+156
Piety &0000000000000171000000+171
Spell Speed &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Maiming Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 501Magic Defense 394
Strength &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000173000000+173
Determination &0000000000000171000000+171
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Scouting Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 394Magic Defense 394
Dexterity &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000173000000+173
Critical Hit &0000000000000171000000+171
Determination &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Striking Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Jacket of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 80
Defense 394Magic Defense 394
Strength &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000173000000+173
Determination &0000000000000171000000+171
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Maiming Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 501Magic Defense 394
Strength &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000173000000+173
Determination &0000000000000171000000+171
Skill Speed &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Aiming Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 80
Defense 394Magic Defense 394
Dexterity &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000173000000+173
Critical Hit &0000000000000171000000+171
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Casting Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 80
Defense 286Magic Defense 501
Intelligence &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000156000000+156
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000171000000+171
Spell Speed &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Fending Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 80
Defense 716Magic Defense 716
Strength &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000173000000+173
Tenacity &0000000000000171000000+171
Skill Speed &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Scouting Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Halfslops of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 394Magic Defense 394
Dexterity &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000173000000+173
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000171000000+171
Critical Hit &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Fending Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 80
Defense 534Magic Defense 534
Strength &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Striking Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 80
Defense 294Magic Defense 294
Strength &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108
Skill Speed &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Striking Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 80
Defense 294Magic Defense 294
Strength &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000108000000+108
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Aiming Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 80
Defense 294Magic Defense 294
Dexterity &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Determination &0000000000000108000000+108
Critical Hit &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Casting Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 80
Defense 214Magic Defense 374
Intelligence &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000098000000+98
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Fending Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Fending
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 GLAMRDPLD
Req. Level 80
Defense 534Magic Defense 534
Strength &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Healing Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 80
Defense 214Magic Defense 374
Mind &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000098000000+98
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Maiming Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 374Magic Defense 294
Strength &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000108000000+108
Critical Hit &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Scouting Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Feet  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 294Magic Defense 294
Dexterity &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000108000000+108
Critical Hit &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Casting Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 80
Defense 214Magic Defense 374
Intelligence &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000098000000+98
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000108000000+108
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Scouting Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Scouting
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 ROGNINVPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 294Magic Defense 294
Dexterity &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Skill Speed &0000000000000108000000+108
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Healing Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 80
Defense 214Magic Defense 374
Mind &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000098000000+98
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108
Piety &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Striking Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Striking
Gold chest icon.png
 Head  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 PGLMNKSAM
Req. Level 80
Defense 294Magic Defense 294
Strength &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000108000000+108
Critical Hit &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Coat of Aiming Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Coat of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Body  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 80
Defense 394Magic Defense 394
Dexterity &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000173000000+173
Skill Speed &0000000000000171000000+171
Determination &0000000000000120000000+120

 YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Aiming Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Aiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 ARCBRDMCH
Req. Level 80
Defense 294Magic Defense 294
Dexterity &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Casting Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Casting
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 THMACNBLM
Req. Level 80
Defense 214Magic Defense 374
Intelligence &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000098000000+98
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108
Determination &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Healing Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 80
Defense 214Magic Defense 374
Mind &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000098000000+98
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108
Spell Speed &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Maiming Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Gloves of Maiming
Gold chest icon.png
 Hands  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 LNCDRGRPR
Req. Level 80
Defense 374Magic Defense 294
Strength &0000000000000108000000+108
Vitality &0000000000000109000000+109
Critical Hit &0000000000000108000000+108
Direct Hit Rate &0000000000000076000000+76

 YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Healing Icon.png  
YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Healing
Gold chest icon.png
 Legs  &0000000000000460000000460&000000000000008000000080 CNJWHMSCH
Req. Level 80
Defense 286Magic Defense 501
Mind &0000000000000172000000+172
Vitality &0000000000000156000000+156
Critical Hit &0000000000000171000000+171
Piety &0000000000000120000000+120

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