Category:Title Granting Achievement

(Redirected from Title)
Titles are automatically granted to players when completing certain achievements. Players may also unlock unique items from achievements, but they must be picked up from Jonathas in Old Gridania, while Titles will automatically appear in your Character screen.

Here is a complete list of the 712 titles which are rewarded from Achievements, default sort is by Achievement ID number. Click a column header to sort differently.

Male/Female Title Name Achievement Patch
&00000000000000060000006 Male Female The Exterminator To Crush Your Enemies VI Defeat 50,000 enemies. 2.0

&000000000000004400000044 Male Female Warmonger Mastering War I Achieve level 50 as a Gladiator, Pugilist, Marauder, Archer, and Lancer. 2.0

&000000000000005500000055 Male Female Archmage Mastering Magic I Achieve level 50 as a Conjurer, Thaumaturge, and Arcanist. 2.0

&000000000000009700000097 Male Female Builder of the Realm Mastering the Hand I Achieve level 50 as a Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist, and Culinarian. 2.0

&0000000000000113000000113 Male Female Provider of the Realm Mastering the Land I Achieve level 50 as a Miner, Botanist, and Fisher. 2.0

&0000000000000119000000119 Male Female Honest Gillionaire Who Wants to Be a Gillionaire? Earn a cumulative total of 10,000,000 gil from levequests. 2.0

&0000000000000119000000119 Male Female Honest Gillionaire Who Wants to Be a Gillionaire Earn a cumulative total of 10,000,000 gil from levequests. 2.0

&0000000000000129000000129 Male Female The True Raising the Curtana Obtain Curtana and a Holy Shield in the quest “A Relic Reborn.” 2.0

&0000000000000130000000130 Male Female Coeurlfist Enter the Coeurl Obtain a pair of Sphairai in the quest “A Relic Reborn.” 2.0

&0000000000000131000000131 Male Female Ironeater Cleaving to Tradition Obtain Bravura in the quest “A Relic Reborn.” 2.0

&0000000000000132000000132 Male Female Of the Vengeful Lance Having a Gae Old Time Obtain Gae Bolg in the quest “A Relic Reborn.” 2.0

&0000000000000133000000133 Male Female The Godsbow Hard to Miss Obtain the Artemis Bow in the quest “A Relic Reborn.” 2.0

&0000000000000134000000134 Male Female The White Dressed to Heal Obtain Thyrus in the quest “A Relic Reborn.” 2.0

&0000000000000135000000135 Male Female Starcaller Ohohohohoho! Obtain a Stardust Rod in the quest “A Relic Reborn.” 2.0

&0000000000000136000000136 Male Female The Insatiable Armed to the Teeth Obtain Curtana, a Holy Shield, a pair of Sphairai, Bravura, Gae Bolg, the Artemis Bow, Thyrus, a Stardust Rod, the Veil of Wiyu, and a copy of the Omnilex in the quest “A Relic Reborn.” 2.0

&0000000000000141000000141 Male Female Of the Golden Saw Going with the Grain: Artisan Successfully synthesize 3,000 times for level 41-50 woodworking recipes. 2.0

&0000000000000147000000147 Male Female Of the Golden Anvil Working the Bellows: Artisan Successfully synthesize 3,000 times for level 41-50 smithing recipes. 2.0

&0000000000000153000000153 Male Female Of the Golden Hammer Pounding Out the Dents: Artisan Successfully synthesize 3,000 times for level 41-50 armorcraft recipes. 2.0

&0000000000000159000000159 Male Female Of the Golden Leaf Cutting the Carats: Artisan Successfully synthesize 3,000 times for level 41-50 Goldsmithing recipes. 2.0

&0000000000000165000000165 Male Female Of the Golden Hide Hiding in Plain Sight: Artisan Successfully synthesize 3,000 times for level 41-50 leatherworking recipes. 2.0

&0000000000000171000000171 Male Female Of the Golden Needle Threading the Needle: Artisan Successfully synthesize 3,000 times for level 41-50 clothcraft recipes. 2.0

&0000000000000177000000177 Male Female Of the Golden Lead Mixing It Up: Artisan Successfully synthesize 3,000 times for level 41-50 alchemy recipes. 2.0

&0000000000000183000000183 Male Female Of the Golden Ladle Savoring the Realm: Artisan Successfully synthesize 3,000 times for level 41-50 cooking recipes. 2.0

&0000000000000190000000190 Male Female Meadowbreaker A Miner's Life for Me: La Noscea Obtain all five “Mining Your Own Business: La Noscea” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000196000000196 Male Female Forestbreaker A Miner's Life for Me: Black Shroud Obtain all five “Mining Your Own Business: Black Shroud” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000202000000202 Male Female Desertbreaker A Miner's Life for Me: Thanalan Obtain all five “Mining Your Own Business: Thanalan” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000227000000227 Male Female Meadowreaper A Botanist's Life for Me: La Noscea Obtain all five “Logging the Hours: La Noscea” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000233000000233 Male Female Forestreaper A Botanist's Life for Me: Black Shroud Obtain all five “Logging the Hours: Black Shroud” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000239000000239 Male Female Desertreaper A Botanist's Life for Me: Thanalan Obtain all five “Logging the Hours: Thanalan” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000264000000264 Male Female Meadowcaster A Fisher's Life for Me: La Noscea Obtain all five “Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: La Noscea” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000270000000270 Male Female Forestcaster A Fisher's Life for Me: Black Shroud Obtain all five “Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Black Shroud” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000276000000276 Male Female Desertcaster A Fisher's Life for Me: Thanalan Obtain all five “Good Things Come to Those Who Bait: Thanalan” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000300000000300 Male Female Carrier of the Cauldron Materia Hysteria Successfully affix 1,000 materia. 2.0

&0000000000000309000000309 Male Female The Assimilator Living in a Materia World Successfully extract materia from 1,000 spiritbound items. 2.0

&0000000000000314000000314 Male Female Seeker of Blood Tales of War Complete all the Disciple of War quests available at level 30. 2.0

&0000000000000315000000315 Male Female Seeker of Truth Tales of Magic Complete all the Disciple of Magic quests available at level 30. 2.0

&0000000000000316000000316 Male Female Seeker of Skill Tales of the Hand Complete all the Disciple of the Hand quests available at level 30. 2.0

&0000000000000317000000317 Male Female Seeker of Bounty Tales of the Land Complete all the Disciple of the Land quests available at level 30. 2.0

&0000000000000328000000328 Male Lord Protector
Female Lady Protector
All the More Region to Leve VI Complete 500 regional battlecraft levequests. 2.0

&0000000000000335000000335 Male Lord Creator
Female Lady Creator
Think Global, Quest Local VI Complete 500 local tradecraft levequests. 2.0

&0000000000000346000000346 Male Female The Last Resort Serving a Greater Cause VI Complete 100 guildhests. 2.0

&0000000000000414000000414 Male Female The Professional Career Opportunities Obtain the following nine achievements: “Like a Knight in Shining Armor I,” “Bulletproof I,” “I Am the Warrior I,” Dragoon Age I,“ ”A Bard's Tale I,“ ”Seeing White I,“ ”Back in Black I,“ ”Soul Summoner I,“ and ”Flying Colors I.“ 2.0

&0000000000000532000000532 Male Stormlord
Female Stormlady
A Storm of Seals III Earn 100,000 Storm Seals. 2.0

&0000000000000536000000536 Male Serpentlord
Female Serpentlady
A Snake in the Brass III Earn 100,000 Serpent Seals. 2.0

&0000000000000540000000540 Male Flamelord
Female Flamelady
Burning a Hole in My Pocket III Earn 100,000 Flame Seals. 2.0

&0000000000000544000000544 Male Female The Stormsworn In Good Company: Maelstrom III Complete 200 company levequests for the Maelstrom. 2.0

&0000000000000548000000548 Male Female The Serpentsworn In Good Company: Twin Adder III Complete 200 company levequests for the Order of the Twin Adder. 2.0

&0000000000000552000000552 Male Female The Flamesworn In Good Company: Immortal Flames III Complete 200 company levequests for the Immortal Flames. 2.0

&0000000000000556000000556 Male Female Stormcarrier Fueling the Storm III Complete 200 supply missions for the Maelstrom. 2.0

&0000000000000560000000560 Male Female Serpentcarrier Feeding the Serpent III Complete 200 supply missions for the Order of the Twin Adder. 2.0

&0000000000000564000000564 Male Female Flamecarrier Fanning the Flames III Complete 200 supply missions for the Immortal Flames. 2.0

&0000000000000568000000568 Male Female Stormbringer To Each According to His Need: Maelstrom III Complete 100 provisioning missions for the Maelstrom. 2.0

&0000000000000572000000572 Male Female Serpentbringer To Each According to His Need: Twin Adder III Complete 100 provisioning missions for the Order of the Twin Adder. 2.0

&0000000000000576000000576 Male Female Flamebringer To Each According to His Need: Immortal Flames III Complete 100 provisioning missions for the Immortal Flames. 2.0

&0000000000000591000000591 Male Female Cavalier Pimp Your Ride Purchase all three sets of Grand Company chocobo Barding. 2.0

&0000000000000597000000597 Male Female Green Eyes Green Eyes Obtain the Veil of Wiyu in the quest “A Relic Reborn.” 2.1

&0000000000000598000000598 Male Female The Strategist The Reader Obtain a copy of the Omnilex in the quest “A Relic Reborn.” 2.1

&0000000000000606000000606 Male Female The Reaper In the Outfield VI Complete 500 fieldcraft levequests. 2.1

&0000000000000745000000745 Male Female Dungeon Master Dungeon Siege IV Complete 300 instanced dungeon raids or trials. 2.1

&0000000000000806000000806 Male Tempter of Fate
Female Temptress of Fate
Date with Destiny IV Successfully complete 1,000 FATEs. 2.1

&0000000000000811000000811 Male Female Elite Cascadier Cascadier Reborn Obtain a summer morning, summer evening, or striped cascadier uniform during the Moonfire Faire festivities. 2.1

&0000000000000813000000813 Male Female Storm Puppy Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom I Achieve PvP rank 1 with the Maelstrom. 2.1

&0000000000000814000000814 Male Female Storm Howler Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom II Achieve PvP rank 10 with the Maelstrom. 2.1

&0000000000000815000000815 Male Female Storm Growler Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom III Achieve PvP rank 20 with the Maelstrom. 2.1

&0000000000000816000000816 Male Female Storm Hound Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom IV Achieve PvP rank 30 with the Maelstrom. 2.1

&0000000000000817000000817 Male Female Storm Stalker Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom V Achieve PvP rank 40 with the Maelstrom. 2.1

&0000000000000818000000818 Male Female Storm Chaser Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Maelstrom VI Achieve PvP rank 50 with the Maelstrom. 2.1

&0000000000000823000000823 Male Female Flame Puppy Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames I Achieve PvP rank 1 with the Immortal Flames. 2.1

&0000000000000824000000824 Male Female Flame Howler Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames II Achieve PvP rank 10 with the Immortal Flames. 2.1

&0000000000000825000000825 Male Female Flame Growler Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames III Achieve PvP rank 20 with the Immortal Flames. 2.1

&0000000000000826000000826 Male Female Flame Hound Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames IV Achieve PvP rank 30 with the Immortal Flames. 2.1

&0000000000000827000000827 Male Female Flame Stalker Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames V Achieve PvP rank 40 with the Immortal Flames. 2.1

&0000000000000828000000828 Male Female Flame Chaser Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Immortal Flames VI Achieve PvP rank 50 with the Immortal Flames. 2.1

&0000000000000833000000833 Male Female Serpent Puppy Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder I Achieve PvP rank 1 with the Twin Adder. 2.1

&0000000000000834000000834 Male Female Serpent Howler Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder II Achieve PvP rank 10 with the Twin Adder. 2.1

&0000000000000835000000835 Male Female Serpent Growler Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder III Achieve PvP rank 20 with the Twin Adder. 2.1

&0000000000000836000000836 Male Female Serpent Hound Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder IV Achieve PvP rank 30 with the Twin Adder. 2.1

&0000000000000837000000837 Male Female Serpent Stalker Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder V Achieve PvP rank 40 with the Twin Adder. 2.1

&0000000000000838000000838 Male Female Serpent Chaser Cutting Your Wolf Loose: Twin Adder VI Achieve PvP rank 50 with the Twin Adder. 2.1

&0000000000000848000000848 Male Female The Ravenous Wolf Wolfing It Down Participate in 5,000 matches in the Feast, the Fold, or Crystalline Conflict. 2.1

&0000000000000854000000854 Male Female The Alpha Wolf Leader of the Pack (Achievement) Triumph in 5,000 matches in the Feast, the Fold, or Crystalline Conflict. 2.1

&0000000000000858000000858 Male Female The Heart of the Party Leaving a Good Impression I Receive 10 player commendations. 2.1

&0000000000000866000000866 Male Brother of Ash
Female Sister of Ash
A Real Bad Ash Attain rank 4 reputation (trusted) with the Brotherhood of Ash. 2.1

&0000000000000870000000870 Male Female Sylph-Friend Sylph-assured Attain rank 4 reputation (trusted) with the sylphs of Little Solace. 2.1

&0000000000000882000000882 Male Female Treasure Hunter No Stone Unturned Decipher 20 timeworn peisteskin maps and open the treasure coffers to which they lead. 2.1

&0000000000000902000000902 Male Female The Ambitious Angler I Like Big Fish and I Cannot Lie Complete the quest “The Beast of Brewer's Beacon.” 2.2

&0000000000000907000000907 Male Female 789th Order Champion Kobold as Brass Attain rank 4 reputation (trusted) with the 789th Order kobolds. 2.2

&0000000000000911000000911 Male Female Novv Clutchmate Licensed to Gill Attain rank 4 reputation (trusted) with Novv's Clutch. 2.2

&0000000000000919000000919 Male Female The Meat Shield A Tankless Job I (Paladin) Complete 50 high-level duties as a Paladin. 2.2

&0000000000000920000000920 Male Female Of the Stalwart Shield A Tankless Job II (Paladin) Complete 100 high-level duties as a Paladin. 2.2

&0000000000000922000000922 Male Female The Meat Axe A Tankless Job I (Warrior) Complete 50 high-level duties as a warrior. 2.2

&0000000000000923000000923 Male Female Of the Stalwart Axe A Tankless Job II (Warrior) Complete 100 high-level duties as a warrior. 2.2

&0000000000000934000000934 Male Female Frontline Forerunner Walk the Line V Participate in 300 Frontline campaigns. 2.3

&0000000000000940000000940 Male Female Storm Forerunner A Line in the Storm V Guide the Maelstrom to 300 Frontline victories. 2.3

&0000000000000946000000946 Male Female Serpent Forerunner A Line in the Glade V Guide the Order of the Twin Adder to 300 Frontline victories. 2.3

&0000000000000952000000952 Male Female Flame Forerunner A Line in the Sand V Guide the Immortal Flames to 300 Frontline victories. 2.3

&0000000000000957000000957 Male Female Drone Sniper Prime Air IV Destroy 100 interceptor drones. 2.3

&0000000000000962000000962 Male Female Heliodrome Hero Just Say Node IV Destroy 20 interceptor nodes. 2.3

&0000000000000968000000968 Male Female Hunter for Hire On Your Mark: B Earn the following four achievements: Mark of the Holt: B, Mark of the Desert: B, Mark of the Sea: B, and Mark of the Lake: B. 2.3

&0000000000000973000000973 Male Female Seeker of Fortune On Your Mark: A Earn the following four achievements: Mark of the Holt: A, Mark of the Desert: A, Mark of the Sea: A, and Mark of the Lake: A. 2.3

&0000000000000978000000978 Male Female Seasoned Tracker On Your Mark: S Earn the following four achievements: Mark of the Holt: S, Mark of the Desert: S, Mark of the Sea: S, and Mark of the Lake: S. 2.3

&0000000000000981000000981 Male Female Bounty Hunter Bring Your B Game III Slay 300 rank B elite marks. 2.3

&0000000000000985000000985 Male Female Soldier of Fortune Bring Your A Game III Slay 200 rank A elite marks. 2.3

&0000000000000989000000989 Male Female Captain of the Hunt Bring Your S Game III Slay 200 rank S elite marks. 2.3

&0000000000000997000000997 Male Female Rafflesia Reaper A Flower by Any Other Name Defeat the rafflesia within the first turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage). 2.3

&0000000000000998000000998 Male Female Melusine Mauler Seconds Defeat Melusine within the second turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage). 2.3

&0000000000000999000000999 Male Female The Avatar Obtanium Defeat the Avatar within the third turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage). 2.3

&00000000000010000000001,000 Male Domitor
Female Domitrix
Scent of a Woman Defeat Nael deus Darnus within the fourth turn of the Second Coil of Bahamut (Savage). 2.3

&00000000000010010000001,001 Male Female Defender of Eorzea Eorzea Defended Complete the main scenario quest “Brave New Companions.” 2.3

&00000000000010040000001,004 Male The Postman
Female The Postwoman
The Postmoogle Always Rings Twice Complete the quest “Of Errant Epistles.” 2.3

&00000000000010110000001,011 Male Female The Disassembler You're Tearing Me Apart I Successfully desynthesize 5,000 items. 2.3

&00000000000010190000001,019 Male Female Bearer of the Coffer Unhide and Seek Decipher unhidden leather maps to locate and loot 20 treasure coffers. 2.3

&00000000000010250000001,025 Male Female Ehcatl Blackguard That's Ixal, Folks Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Ehcatl Nine. 2.35

&00000000000010260000001,026 Male Female The Negotiator Sore Thumb Complete the quest “Friends Forever.” 2.35

&00000000000010290000001,029 Male Female Icebreaker Dreams of Ice Complete the main scenario quest “Let Us Cling Together.” 2.4

&00000000000010300000001,030 Male Female The Final Witness Uncoiled Complete the quest “Alisaie's Path.” 2.4

&00000000000010310000001,031 Male Female Of Dragons Deep Imagine Dragon Complete the quest “Feast of Famine.” 2.4

&00000000000010330000001,033 Male Female Master Caster Go Big or Go Home IX Catch 100 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. 2.4

&00000000000010530000001,053 Male Female The Shadow Yoshimitsu's Island Obtain a pair of Yoshimitsu in the quest “A Relic Reborn.” 2.4

&00000000000010600000001,060 Male Female Of the Silver Lining Out of the Dark Complete the quest “The Light of Hope.” 2.5

&00000000000010610000001,061 Male Gentleman
Female Gentlewoman
I'll Be There for You Complete the quest “Her Last Vow.” 2.5

&00000000000010620000001,062 Male Female Cupid Love Actually Complete the quest “Now That We've Found Love.” 2.5

&00000000000010630000001,063 Male Female Tamer of Steeds Ichiban Obtain the Kirin mount. 2.5

&00000000000010640000001,064 Male Female The Unsevered Missed the Cut Defeat Odin at Urth's Fount. 2.5

&00000000000010760000001,076 Male Female Slaughterhouse Slaughterhouse Four Dispatch 1,000 enemies on a Frontline campaign. 2.5

&00000000000010770000001,077 Male Female The Hand of Mercy Slaughterhouse Five Dispatch 5,000 enemies on a Frontline campaign. 2.5

&00000000000010780000001,078 Male Female The Light in Hand Tool Time for the Hand Obtain a Disciple of the Hand Lucis tool. 2.5

&00000000000010790000001,079 Male Female The Light of the Land Tool Time for the Land Obtain a Disciple of the Land Lucis tool. 2.5

&00000000000010810000001,081 Male Female Z The Letter Z Obtain a Zodiac Weapon Zeta. 2.51

&00000000000010820000001,082 Male Female Golemancer Welcome to the Dollhouse Complete the quest “A Father's Folly.” 2.51

&00000000000010830000001,083 Male Female Gambler What Happens in the Saucer I Earn 1,000 MGP at Gold Saucer attractions. 2.51

&00000000000010880000001,088 Male Female High Roller How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Saucer Earn the following seven achievements: Winningest Jockey, Always Bet on Me, Bracket Breaker, Enemy at the GATE III, WTFungah III, Work Smarter, Not Harder, and Mountains out of Gil-hills. 2.51

&00000000000010890000001,089 Male Female Chocobo Breeder Go Forth and Multiply Obtain a new chocobo through covering. 2.51

&00000000000010910000001,091 Male Female Chocobo Trainer Training Day (Achievement) Train your chocobo to a rating of 285. 2.51

&00000000000010920000001,092 Male Bug Boy
Female Bug Girl
Off to the Races I Participate in a sanctioned chocobo race. 2.51

&00000000000010940000001,094 Male Female Senior Jockey Off to the Races III Participate in 300 sanctioned chocobo races. 2.51

&00000000000010950000001,095 Male Female Veteran Jockey Off to the Races IV Participate in 3,000 sanctioned chocobo races. 2.51

&00000000000010990000001,099 Male Female The First Across Winningest Jockey Place first in 500 sanctioned chocobo races. 2.51

&00000000000011010000001,101 Male Female Deck Holder Triple-decker II Obtain 30 unique Triple Triad cards. 2.51

&00000000000011020000001,102 Male Female Deck Hoarder Triple-decker III Obtain 60 unique Triple Triad cards. 2.51

&00000000000011100000001,110 Male Female The Trinity Always Bet on Me Win 1,000 Triple Triad roulette matches. 2.51

&00000000000011140000001,114 Male Female Duelist Bracket Breaker Win 100 Triple Triad tournament matches. 2.51

&00000000000011170000001,117 Male Keymaster
Female Gatekeeper
Enemy at the GATE III Successfully complete 100 GATEs. 2.51

&00000000000011200000001,120 Male Female The Fungah WTFungah III Successfully complete the GATE “Any Way the Wind Blows” 10 times. 2.51

&00000000000011240000001,124 Male Female Moneybags Work Smarter, Not Harder Win a cumulative total of 1,000,000 MGP from the Jumbo Cactpot. 2.51

&00000000000011280000001,128 Male Female Raiser of Mountains Mountains out of Gil-hills Win a cumulative total of 1,000,000 MGP from the Mini Cactpot. 2.51

&00000000000011290000001,129 Male Female Bearer of the Torch My Left Arm Complete the main scenario quest “Before the Dawn.” 2.55

&00000000000011300000001,130 Male Female Postmaster Postal Complete the quest “The Little Postmoogle That Could.” 2.55

&00000000000011310000001,131 Male Half-boiled Hero
Female Half-boiled Heroine
Eggspialidocious Complete the quest “Eggs Pluribus Unum.” 2.55

&00000000000011330000001,133 Male Female Unbeliever Lucky Number 7 Complete the main scenario quest “Disclosure.” 3.0

&00000000000011340000001,134 Male Female The Redeemed Gaol Break Complete the main scenario quest “Keeping the Flame Alive.” 3.0

&00000000000011350000001,135 Male Female Nidhogg Slayer Orthodox Mayhem Complete the main scenario quest “Unrest in Ishgard.” 3.0

&00000000000011360000001,136 Male Female Of the Silver Fuller You Say You Want a Revolution Complete the main scenario quest “The Sins of Antiquity.” 3.0

&00000000000011370000001,137 Male Female Imperial Nuisance The Faith That Drives Us Complete the main scenario quest “One Good Turn.” 3.0

&00000000000011380000001,138 Male Female Under-archon Hope Enkindled Complete the main scenario quest “Hour of Departure.” 3.0

&00000000000011390000001,139 Male Female The End of Ascalon Looking Up Complete the main scenario quest “Heavensward.” 3.0

&00000000000011410000001,141 Male Female The Oathkeeper Like a Knight in Shining Armor II Complete the Paladin job quest “This Little Sword of Mine.” 3.0

&00000000000011420000001,142 Male Female Of the 14th Chakra Bulletproof II Complete the Monk job quest “Appetite for Destruction.” 3.0

&00000000000011430000001,143 Male Female The Mythril Heart I Am the Warrior II Complete the warrior job quest “And My Axe.” 3.0

&00000000000011440000001,144 Male Female The Azure Dragoon Dragoon Age II Complete the Dragoon job quest “Dragoon's Fate.” 3.0

&00000000000011450000001,145 Male Female Skysinger A Bard's Tale II Complete the Bard job quest “The Ballad of Oblivion.” 3.0

&00000000000011460000001,146 Male Female Pure White Seeing White II Complete the White Mage job quest “Hands of Healing.” 3.0

&00000000000011470000001,147 Male Female Annihilator Back in Black II Complete the Black Mage job quest “The Defiant Ones.” 3.0

&00000000000011480000001,148 Male Female Dreadspawn Soul Summoner II Complete the Summoner job quest “A Flare for the Dramatic.” 3.0

&00000000000011490000001,149 Male Female Nymian Marine Flying Colors II Complete the Scholar job quest “Forward, the Royal Marines.” 3.0

&00000000000011500000001,150 Male Female The Darkest Shadow Against the Ninja II Complete the Ninja job quest “In Her Defense.” 3.0

&00000000000011540000001,154 Male Female Blackblood A Dark Day's Knight II Complete the Dark Knight job quest “Absolution.” 3.0

&00000000000011550000001,155 Male Female Liberator I'm a Machinist, Not a Man II Complete the Machinist job quest “Rise of the Machinists.” 3.0

&00000000000011560000001,156 Male Female Stargazer The Stars in Our Faults II Complete the Astrologian job quest “The Hands of Fate.” 3.0

&00000000000011640000001,164 Male Female Illuminati Quencher Awake the Metal Complete the quest “Enigma.” 3.0

&00000000000011650000001,165 Male Female Finder of False Gods The War Still Wageth On Complete the quests “Thok Around the Clock” and “The Diabolical Bismarck.” 3.0

&00000000000011660000001,166 This achievement was removed in patch 5.3. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Lighter than Air Walking on Sunshine Complete the quest “I Believe I Can Fly.” 3.0

&00000000000011880000001,188 Male Female Grandmaster of War Mastering War II Achieve level 60 as a Gladiator, Pugilist, Marauder, Lancer, Archer, Rogue, Dark Knight, and Machinist. 3.0

&00000000000011890000001,189 Male Female Grandmaster of Magic Mastering Magic II Achieve level 60 as a Conjurer, Thaumaturge, Arcanist, and Astrologian. 3.0

&00000000000011930000001,193 Male Female Dark Driver A Tankless Job I (Dark Knight) Complete 50 high-level duties as a Dark Knight. 3.0

&00000000000011940000001,194 Male Female Of the Stalwart Sword A Tankless Job II (Dark Knight) Complete 100 high-level duties as a Dark Knight. 3.0

&00000000000011990000001,199 Male Female Keeper of Knowledge Hounding the Rock IV Occupy 300 tomeliths on Seal Rock. 3.05

&00000000000012760000001,276 Male Female Grandmaster of the Hand Mastering the Hand II Achieve level 60 as a Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist, and Culinarian. 3.0

&00000000000012770000001,277 Male Female Grandmaster of the Land Mastering the Land II Achieve level 60 as a Miner, Botanist, and Fisher. 3.0

&00000000000012910000001,291 Male Female Molder of Masterpieces I Made That (Worth Collecting) III Synthesize 1,000 collectables. 3.0

&00000000000012940000001,294 Male Female Amasser of Masterpieces I Collected That III Gather or catch 3,000 collectables. 3.0

&00000000000012970000001,297 Male Female Business Associate I Traded That III Submit 3,000 collectables to Rowena's House of Splendors. 3.0

&00000000000013210000001,321 Male Female Master Carpenter An Eye for Detail: Carpenter V Craft 10,000 high-quality items as a Carpenter. 3.0

&00000000000013220000001,322 Male Female Master Blacksmith An Eye for Detail: Blacksmith V Craft 10,000 high-quality items as a Blacksmith. 3.0

&00000000000013230000001,323 Male Female Master Armorer An Eye for Detail: Armorer V Craft 10,000 high-quality items as an Armorer. 3.0

&00000000000013240000001,324 Male Female Master Goldsmith An Eye for Detail: Goldsmith V Craft 10,000 high-quality items as a Goldsmith. 3.0

&00000000000013250000001,325 Male Female Master Leatherworker An Eye for Detail: Leatherworker V Craft 10,000 high-quality items as a Leatherworker. 3.0

&00000000000013260000001,326 Male Female Master Weaver An Eye for Detail: Weaver V Craft 10,000 high-quality items as a Weaver. 3.0

&00000000000013270000001,327 Male Female Master Alchemist An Eye for Detail: Alchemist V Craft 10,000 high-quality items as an Alchemist. 3.0

&00000000000013280000001,328 Male Female Master Culinarian An Eye for Detail: Culinarian V Craft 10,000 high-quality items as a Culinarian. 3.0

&00000000000013290000001,329 Male Female Master Miner An Eye for Quality: Miner IV Gather 20,000 items with the Gatherer's Boon effect as a Miner. 3.0

&00000000000013290000001,329 Male Female Master Miner An Eye for Quantity: Miner IV Gather 20,000 items with the Gatherer's Boon effect as a miner. 3.0

&00000000000013300000001,330 Male Female Master Botanist An Eye for Quantity: Botanist IV Gather 20,000 items with the Gatherer's Boon effect as a botanist. 3.0

&00000000000013300000001,330 Male Female Master Botanist An Eye for Quality: Botanist IV Gather 20,000 items with the Gatherer's Boon effect as a Botanist. 3.0

&00000000000013310000001,331 Male Female Master Fisher The One that Didn't Get Away IV Catch 10,000 large-sized fish. 3.0

&00000000000013540000001,354 Male Female The Fortunate Date with Destiny VI Successfully complete 10,000 FATEs. 3.0

&00000000000013570000001,357 Male Female Good Samaritan The Kindness of Strangers V Resurrect a player who is not in your party or alliance 200 times. 3.0

&00000000000013770000001,377 Male Female Minion Collector Despicable You I Obtain 50 minions. 3.1

&00000000000013780000001,378 Male Female Minion Master Despicable You II Obtain 100 minions. 3.1

&00000000000013790000001,379 Male Female Mammeteer Follow the Leader I Collect 30 follow-type minions. 3.1

&00000000000013830000001,383 Male Prince of Verminion
Female Princess of Verminion
A Load of Verminion III Win 100 Lord of Verminion player battle (RP) matches. 3.1

&00000000000013840000001,384 Male Lord of Verminion
Female Lady of Verminion
A Load of Verminion IV Win 300 Lord of Verminion player battle (RP) matches. 3.1

&00000000000013860000001,386 Male Female Veteran Explorer Out of Sight Out of Bounds II Complete entries 43-62 in your Heavensward sightseeing log. 3.1

&00000000000013870000001,387 Male Female House Fortemps Knight So It Goes Complete the main scenario quest “As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness.” 3.1

&00000000000013880000001,388 Male Female Sky Pirate Paying the Bills Complete the quest “To Rule the Skies.” 3.1

&00000000000013940000001,394 Male Female The Noumenon Anima Crossing Complete the quest “Coming into Its Own.” 3.15

&00000000000013980000001,398 Male Female Sundrop Dancer Top Gundu Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Gundu tribe. 3.1

&00000000000014000000001,400 Male Female Myth Breaker The King and Die Defeat King Thordan in the Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign. 3.1

&00000000000014050000001,405 Male Female Special Advisor Back to School I Complete the quest “More than Meets Her Eye.” 3.15

&00000000000014320000001,432 This achievement was removed in patch 5.1. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Notorious Monster Slayer Crown of Thorns V Slay a total of 100 notorious monsters on exploratory missions to the Diadem of any difficulty. 3.1

&00000000000014400000001,440 Male Female Hungry Wolf Raised by Wolves Participate in 1,000 matches in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict. 3.15

&00000000000014460000001,446 Male Female The Devourer The Young and the Relentless Triumph in 1,000 matches in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict. 3.15

&00000000000014510000001,451 Male Female The Unmoving A Stalwart to Remember Triumph in 1,000 matches in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict while taking on the role of tank. 3.15

&00000000000014560000001,456 Male Female The Unrelenting A Slayer to Remember Triumph in 1,000 matches in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict while taking on the role of melee DPS. 3.15

&00000000000014610000001,461 Male Female The Unseen A Sniper to Remember Triumph in 1,000 matches in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict while taking on the role of physical ranged DPS. 3.15

&00000000000014660000001,466 Male Female The Unleashed A Spellcaster to Remember Triumph in 1,000 matches in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict while taking on the role of magical ranged DPS. 3.15

&00000000000014710000001,471 Male Female The Undamaged A Sawbones to Remember Triumph in 1,000 matches in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict while taking on the role of healer. 3.15

&00000000000014730000001,473 Male Female Mentor I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me II Complete 50 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor. 3.15

&00000000000014750000001,475 Male Female Mentor of Mentors I Hope Mentor Will Notice Me IV Complete 500 duties via Duty Roulette: Mentor. 3.15

&00000000000014920000001,492 Male Female Carrier of the Kettle A Watched Pot Complete the quest “Kettle to the Mettle.” 3.15

&00000000000014930000001,493 Male Female The Gear of Change First Gear Complete the main scenario quest “Causes and Costs.” 3.15

&00000000000014940000001,494 Male Female Allthoughts The Midas Touch Complete the quest “A Gob in the Machine.” 3.15

&00000000000014980000001,498 Male Female The Newmind Vathcore Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Vath. 3.15

&00000000000015400000001,540 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Leader of the Pack Head of the Table Complete a Feast season ranked #1 (solo). 3.35

&00000000000015410000001,541 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Beta Wolf Dinner for Two (to Ten) Complete a Feast season ranked #2-#10 (solo). 3.35

&00000000000015420000001,542 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Hunter Wolf Dinner for Eleven (to One Hundred) Complete a Feast season ranked #11-#100 (solo). 3.35

&00000000000015430000001,543 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Bronze Wolf Dining Solo: Bronze Complete a Feast season in the Bronze tier (solo). 3.35

&00000000000015440000001,544 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Silver Wolf Dining Solo: Silver Complete a Feast season in the Silver tier (solo). 3.35

&00000000000015450000001,545 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Gold Wolf Dining Solo: Gold Complete a Feast season in the Gold tier (solo). 3.35

&00000000000015460000001,546 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Platinum Wolf Dining Solo: Platinum Complete a Feast season in the Platinum tier (solo). 3.35

&00000000000015470000001,547 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Diamond Wolf Dining Solo: Diamond Complete a Feast season in the Diamond tier (solo). 3.35

&00000000000015480000001,548 Male Female Polis Raider Life Aquatic I Raid the Aquapolis. 3.3

&00000000000015510000001,551 Male Female Polis Dweller Life Aquatic IV Raid the Aquapolis 20 times. 3.3

&00000000000015550000001,555 Male Polis Lord
Female Polis Lady
The Slow Regard of Stolen Things IV Raid the deepest room in the Aquapolis 20 times. 3.3

&00000000000015640000001,564 Male Female The Knight of Glory In a Blaze of Glory VI Guide any of the three Grand Companies to a total of 300 Fields of Glory victories. 3.3

&00000000000015650000001,565 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the First Pack It's My Party Complete a Feast season ranked #1 (party). 3.35

&00000000000015660000001,566 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Second Pack Party of Two (to Ten) Complete a Feast season ranked #2-#10 (party). 3.35

&00000000000015670000001,567 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Hungry Pack Party of Eleven (to Thirty) Complete a Feast season ranked #11-#30 (party). 3.35

&00000000000015680000001,568 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Bronze Pack Diners' Club: Bronze Complete a Feast season in the Bronze tier (party). 3.35

&00000000000015690000001,569 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Silver Pack Diners' Club: Silver Complete a Feast season in the Silver tier (party). 3.35

&00000000000015700000001,570 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Gold Pack Diners' Club: Gold Complete a Feast season in the Gold tier (party). 3.35

&00000000000015710000001,571 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Platinum Pack Diners' Club: Platinum Complete a Feast season in the Platinum tier (party). 3.35

&00000000000015720000001,572 This achievement was removed in patch 6.0. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Diamond Pack Diners' Club: Diamond Complete a Feast season in the Diamond tier (party). 3.35

&00000000000015750000001,575 Male Female The Chief Mourner I'll Sleep When I'm Dead Complete the quest “The Nightmare's End.” 3.35

&00000000000015940000001,594 Male Female The Dragonsong Floor the Horde Complete the main scenario quest “Litany of Peace.” 3.3

&00000000000016210000001,621 Male Female Pom Friend Top Mog Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Mogmenders of Moghome. 3.3

&00000000000016270000001,627 Male Female Moonlifter Hey Now, You're an All-star Complete the quest “Eternity, Loyalty, Honesty.” 3.5

&00000000000016290000001,629 Male Female The Wings of Time Back in Time Complete the quest “Of Endings and Beginnings.” 3.4

&00000000000016300000001,630 Male Female Surrenderer of Souls No Retreat, No Surrender Complete the main scenario quest “An Ending to Mark a New Beginning.” 3.4

&00000000000016490000001,649 Male Female Khloe's Friend And Khloe Was Her Name-o II Successfully complete 5 series of Wondrous Tails. 3.4

&00000000000016540000001,654 Male Female Khloe's Best Friend And Khloe Was Her Name-o VII Successfully complete 50 series of Wondrous Tails. 3.4

&00000000000016550000001,655 Male Female Hero of Gelmorra In Too Deep VI Clear the 100th floor of the Palace of the Dead. 3.45

&00000000000016580000001,658 Male Female Lightbringer Some Kinna Wonderful Obtain a piece of kinna gear. 3.45

&00000000000016600000001,660 Male Female Lonely Explorer Pal-less Palace II Clear the 1st through the 100th floors of the Palace of the Dead solo and record a score on floor 101 or below. 3.45

&00000000000016630000001,663 Male Female The Lucky For the Hoard III Discover 1,000 pieces of the Accursed Hoard. 3.4

&00000000000016660000001,666 Male Female Of the Sixth Sense The Trouble with Buried II Discover 100 pieces of the Accursed Hoard without using a pomander of intuition. 3.4

&00000000000016800000001,680 Male Female Corpse Dancer Dead Tired Complete the quest “Dead but Not Gone.” 3.45

&00000000000016900000001,690 Male Female The Finest Pupil's Ally School's Out Forever Complete the main scenario quest “Louisoix's Finest Student.” 3.5

&00000000000016910000001,691 Male Female Fatewalker Five Minutes of Fate Complete the main scenario quest “The Far Edge of Fate.” 3.56

&00000000000016920000001,692 Male Female Of the Holy Body Back to School III Complete the quest “The Life and Lies of Father Saturnois.” 3.5

&00000000000016930000001,693 Male Female Gigi's Best Friend That Is What You Are Complete the quest “If I Could Turn Back Time.” 3.5

&00000000000016940000001,694 Male Female Tamer of the Undying Flame Just Like Fire Obtain a Firebird whistle. 3.5

&00000000000017480000001,748 Male Female Mortal Fist Mama Said Knock You Out II Record 100 KOs in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict. 3.55b

&00000000000017510000001,751 Male Female Rhalgr's Right Fist Mama Said Knock You Out V Record 5,000 KOs in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict. 3.55b

&00000000000017530000001,753 Male Female Tablesetter How Can I Help II Record 100 assists in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict. 3.55b

&00000000000017560000001,756 Male Female Halone's Cup Bearer How Can I Help V Record 5,000 assists in the Feast or Crystalline Conflict. 3.55b

&00000000000017570000001,757 Male Female Makai Master Protector Show at least 13 sets of Garo gear to the disreputable priest. 3.5

&00000000000017580000001,758 Male Female Garo Echoes of the Golden Wolf Obtain the Fanged Wolf and a full five-piece set of Paladin Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017590000001,759 Male Female Barago Echoes of Undying Twilight Obtain Darkness and a full five-piece set of warrior Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017600000001,760 Male Female Kiba Echoes of Darkness Obtain Hell Light and a full five-piece set of Dark Knight Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017610000001,761 Male Female Dan Echoes of the White Night Obtain the White Night and a full five-piece set of Dragoon Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017620000001,762 Male Female Makai Monk Echoes of the Makai Fist Obtain a pair of Makai Fists and a full five-piece set of Monk Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017630000001,763 Male Female Zero Echoes of the Silver Wolf Obtain a pair of Silver Wolves and a full five-piece set of Ninja Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017640000001,764 Male Female Makai Bard Echoes of the Makai Bow Obtain a Makai Bow and a full five-piece set of Bard Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017650000001,765 Male Female Makai Machinist Echoes of the Makai Arm Obtain a Makai Hand Mortar and a full five-piece set of Machinist Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017660000001,766 Male Female Makai Black Mage Echoes of the Makai Dark Obtain a Mado Brush and a full five-piece set of Black Mage Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017670000001,767 Male Female Makai Summoner Echoes of the Makai Vessel Obtain a Mado Chronicle and a full five-piece set of Summoner Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017680000001,768 Male Female Makai White Mage Echoes of the Makai Sun Obtain a Mado Staff and a full five-piece set of White Mage Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017690000001,769 Male Female Makai Scholar Echoes of Makai Lore Obtain a Makai Chronicle and a full five-piece set of Scholar Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017700000001,770 Male Female Makai Astrologian Echoes of the Makai Star Obtain a Mado Sphere and a full five-piece set of Astrologian Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 3.5

&00000000000017780000001,778 Male Female Zhloe's Friend Satisfaction Guaranteed: Zhloe Aliapoh V Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Zhloe Aliapoh. 3.55b

&00000000000017840000001,784 Male Female Zhloe's Best Friend The Customer Is Always Right: Zhloe Aliapoh VI Deliver 150 collectables to Zhloe Aliapoh. 3.55b

&00000000000017870000001,787 Male Female Survivor of the Song Incidentally Speaking Complete the main scenario quest “Not without Incident.” 4.0

&00000000000017880000001,788 Male Female Ijin Traveler Destination Unknown Complete the main scenario quest “Once More, to the Ruby Sea.” 4.0

&00000000000017890000001,789 Male Female Confederate Unexplained Complete the main scenario quest “Tide Goes in, Imperials Go Out.” 4.0

&00000000000017900000001,790 Male Female Adversary Put Your Wings Up Complete the main scenario quest “All the Little Angels.” 4.0

&00000000000017910000001,791 Male Female Steppe Warrior Crimson Footprints Complete the main scenario quest “In Crimson They Walked.” 4.0

&00000000000017920000001,792 Male Female The Returned Catch Me if You Can Complete the main scenario quest “A Swift and Secret Departure.” 4.0

&00000000000017930000001,793 Male Female Lyse's Right Fist Cheek to Cheek Complete the main scenario quest “The Lady in Red.” 4.0

&00000000000017940000001,794 Male Female The Liberator The Measure of His Reach (Achievement) Complete the main scenario quest “Stormblood.” 4.0

&00000000000017960000001,796 Male Female Deltascape Deleter Delta Force Complete the quest “The Anomaly.” 4.01

&00000000000017970000001,797 Male Female Ul Cup Champion Like a Knight in Shining Armor III Complete the Paladin job quest “Raising the Sword.” 4.0

&00000000000017980000001,798 Male Female The Fistful Bulletproof III Complete the Monk job quest “The Power to Protect.” 4.0

&00000000000017990000001,799 Male Female Loved by the Axe I Am the Warrior III Complete the warrior job quest “The Heart of the Problem.” 4.0

&00000000000018000000001,800 Male Female The Blood Dragoon Dragoon Age III Complete the Dragoon job quest “Dragon Sound.” 4.0

&00000000000018010000001,801 Male Female Of the True Autumn A Bard's Tale III Complete the Bard job quest “Sweet Dreams Are Made of Peace.” 4.0

&00000000000018020000001,802 Male Female Padjal Protector Seeing White III Complete the White Mage job quest “What She Always Wanted.” 4.0

&00000000000018030000001,803 Male Female Gembreaker Back in Black III Complete the Black Mage job quest “One Golem to Rule Them All.” 4.0

&00000000000018040000001,804 Male Female The First Caller Soul Summoner III Complete the Summoner job quest “An Art for the Living.” 4.0

&00000000000018050000001,805 Male Female Keeper of the Lilacs Flying Colors III Complete the Scholar job quest “Our Unsung Heroes.” 4.0

&00000000000018060000001,806 Male Female Eorzean Ninja Against the Ninja III Complete the Ninja job quest “When Clans Collide.” 4.0

&00000000000018070000001,807 Male Female Of the Swirling Abyss A Dark Day's Knight III Complete the Dark Knight job quest “Our Compromise.” 4.0

&00000000000018080000001,808 Male Female The Howler I'm a Machinist, Not a Man III Complete the Machinist job quest “The Mongrel and the Knight.” 4.0

&00000000000018090000001,809 Male Female Of the Eastern Skies The Stars in Our Faults III Complete the Astrologian job quest “Foxfire.” 4.0

&00000000000018110000001,811 Male Female The Red Red on Arrival II Complete the Red Mage job quest “With Heart and Steel.” 4.0

&00000000000018130000001,813 Male Female Muso SAM I Am II Complete the Samurai job quest “The Battle on Bekko.” 4.0

&00000000000018320000001,832 Male God of War
Female Goddess of War
Mastering War III Achieve level 70 as a Gladiator, Pugilist, Marauder, Lancer, Archer, Rogue, Dark Knight, Machinist, and Samurai. 4.0

&00000000000018330000001,833 Male God of Magic
Female Goddess of Magic
Mastering Magic III Achieve level 70 as a Conjurer, Thaumaturge, Arcanist, Astrologian, and Red Mage. 4.0

&00000000000018460000001,846 Male God of the Hand
Female Goddess of the Hand
Mastering the Hand III Achieve level 70 as a Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist, and Culinarian. 4.0

&00000000000018470000001,847 Male God of the Land
Female Goddess of the Land
Mastering the Land III Achieve level 70 as a Miner, Botanist, and Fisher. 4.0

&00000000000019170000001,917 Male Female Of the Longest Hunt Bring Your A Game V Slay 3,000 rank A elite marks. 4.0

&00000000000019180000001,918 Male Female Of the Endless Hunt Bring Your A Game VI Slay 10,000 rank A elite marks. 4.0

&00000000000019200000001,920 Male Female Thrillseeker Bring Your S Game V Slay 2,000 rank S elite marks. 4.0

&00000000000019210000001,921 Male Female Ultimate Thrillseeker Bring Your S Game VI Slay 5,000 rank S elite marks. 4.0

&00000000000019360000001,936 Male Female Wings of Steel Roll the Dice V Participate in a Rival Wings campaign 1,000 times. 4.15

&00000000000019410000001,941 Male Female Wings of Fire Die Another Day V Emerge victorious in a Rival Wings campaign 1,000 times. 4.15

&00000000000019440000001,944 Male Female Canal Raider Raider of the Lost Canals I Raid the Lost Canals of Uznair. 4.01

&00000000000019470000001,947 Male Female Canal Dweller Raider of the Lost Canals IV Raid the Lost Canals of Uznair 20 times. 4.01

&00000000000019510000001,951 Male Canal Lord
Female Canal Lady
The Deep End IV Raid the deepest sluice in the Lost Canals of Uznair 20 times. 4.01

&00000000000019520000001,952 Male Female The Necromancer Pal-less Palace III Clear the 1st through the 200th floors of the Palace of the Dead solo. 4.0

&00000000000019650000001,965 Male Female Crimson Explorer Oh, the Sights We'll See II Complete entries 46-62 in your Stormblood sightseeing log. 4.1

&00000000000019730000001,973 Male Female Naago's Friend Satisfaction Guaranteed: M'naago V Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with M'naago. 4.1

&00000000000019790000001,979 Male Female Naago's Partner The Customer Is Always Right: M'naago VI Deliver 150 collectables to M'naago. 4.1

&00000000000019800000001,980 Male Female Deep Canal Raider Raider of the Hidden Canals I Raid the Hidden Canals of Uznair. 4.1

&00000000000019830000001,983 Male Female Deep Canal Dweller Raider of the Hidden Canals IV Raid the Hidden Canals of Uznair 20 times. 4.1

&00000000000019870000001,987 Male The Luckiest of Lords
Female The Luckiest of Ladies
The Deeper End IV Raid the deepest sluice in the Hidden Canals of Uznair 20 times. 4.1

&00000000000019900000001,990 Male Female Raubahn's Left Arm More Heroes Complete the main scenario quest “Return of the Bull.” 4.1

&00000000000019930000001,993 Male Female The Legend Resistance Is Futile (Achievement) Defeat Bahamut Prime in the Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate). 4.11

&00000000000020000000002,000 Male Female Of the Blue Divinity: Original Kojin Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Divine Circle. 4.1

&00000000000020030000002,003 Male Female Fashion Leader You Look Marvelous III Be awarded a total of 100 points in the Fashion Report. 4.2

&00000000000020130000002,013 Male Female The New Sun Solar Cycle Complete the main scenario quest “Rise of a New Sun.” 4.2

&00000000000020170000002,017 Male Female Snake in the Grass My Anantaconda Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Velodyna Gatekeepers. 4.2

&00000000000020490000002,049 Male Female Hiruko Hunter She's So High III Clear the 30th floor of Heaven–on–High. 4.35

&00000000000020510000002,051 Male Female Heavenly Gate Crasher She's So High V Clear the 100th floor of Heaven–on–High. 4.35

&00000000000020530000002,053 Male Female True Hero Dressed for Heaven Speak with the cast-off Confederate while in possession of all four of the empyrean accessories. 4.35

&00000000000020550000002,055 Male Female Lone Hero Heaven Is a Lonely Place II Clear the 1st through the 100th floors of Heaven–on–High solo. 4.35

&00000000000020560000002,056 Male Female Hoarder For the Hoard V Discover 10,000 pieces of the Accursed Hoard. 4.35

&00000000000020660000002,066 Male Female Vanguard Front and Center VI Triumph in 300 matches in Frontline. 4.3

&00000000000020710000002,071 Male Female Kurenai's Best Friend Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kurenai V Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Kurenai. 4.3

&00000000000020770000002,077 Male Female Kurenai's Partner The Customer Is Always Right: Kurenai VI Deliver 150 collectables to Kurenai. 4.3

&00000000000020980000002,098 Male Female Under the Moonlight Lunar Cycle Complete the main scenario quest “Under the Moonlight.” 4.3

&00000000000021020000002,102 Male Female Siltwater Socialite In a Barrel Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven. 4.3

&00000000000021030000002,103 Male Female Matchmaker MeetMog Complete the quest “Love and Kupo Nuts.” 4.3

&00000000000021040000002,104 Male Female Eorzean Ninja Warrior Tonight, the Stars Align Complete the quest “If at First You Don't Succeed, Give Up.” 4.3

&00000000000021050000002,105 Male Female Calamatologist Give Me Five Complete the quest “In Adventurers We Trust.” 4.35

&00000000000021070000002,107 Male Female The Ultimate Legend Ultimatum (Achievement) Defeat the Ultima Weapon in the Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate). 4.31

&00000000000021080000002,108 Male Female Monster Hunter The New King on the Block (Achievement) Complete the quest “The New King on the Block.” 4.36

&00000000000021100000002,110 This achievement was removed in patch 4.4. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female FRC 2018 Champion Rhyme and Region 2018 (Japan) Emerge victorious in the 2018 Feast Regional Championship (Japan). 4.4

&00000000000021110000002,111 This achievement was removed in patch 4.4. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female FRC 2018 Champion Rhyme and Region 2018 (North America) Emerge victorious in the 2018 Feast Regional Championship (North America). 4.4

&00000000000021120000002,112 This achievement was removed in patch 4.4. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female FRC 2018 Champion Rhyme and Region 2018 (Europe) Emerge victorious in the 2018 Feast Regional Championship (Europe). 4.4

&00000000000021130000002,113 This achievement was removed in patch 4.4. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female FRC 2018 Finalist Rhyme and Region 2018 - Finalist Reach the finals in the 2018 Feast Regional Championship. 4.4

&00000000000021140000002,114 This achievement was removed in patch 4.4. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female FRC 2018 Ranker Rhyme and Region 2018 - Placed Place between 1st and 10th in the 2018 Feast Regional Championship preliminaries. 4.4

&00000000000021240000002,124 Male Female Prelude in Violet A History of Violet Complete the main scenario quest “Prelude in Violet.” 4.4

&00000000000021310000002,131 Male Female Philanthropist Bio-Doma V See the Doman Enclave through the fifth and final phase of reconstruction. 4.4

&00000000000021320000002,132 Male Altar Boy
Female Altar Girl
Raider of the Shifting Altars I Raid the Shifting Altars of Uznair. 4.4

&00000000000021350000002,135 Male Female The Devout Raider of the Shifting Altars IV Raid the Shifting Altars of Uznair 20 times. 4.4

&00000000000021390000002,139 Male Female Invoker of Gods The Deepest End IV Complete the final invocation in the Shifting Altars of Uznair 20 times. 4.4

&00000000000021610000002,161 Male Female Kyubi Tamer Flute of the Plume Obtain the Fife of Nine Tails. 4.5

&00000000000021810000002,181 Male Female Mahjong Enthusiast Tile and Error II Achieve a mahjong rating of more than 1,800. 4.5

&00000000000021820000002,182 Male Female Mahjong Master Tile and Error III Achieve a mahjong rating of more than 2,000. 4.5

&00000000000021870000002,187 Male Female Little Piggy Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh V Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Adkiragh. 4.5

&00000000000021930000002,193 Male Female Tough Customer The Customer Is Always Right: Adkiragh VI Deliver 150 collectables to Adkiragh. 4.5

&00000000000022010000002,201 Male Female Blue Blood The More You Know IV Learn 30 Blue Mage spells. 4.5

&00000000000022080000002,208 Male Female Mask of the Blue Smokin' VI Complete 25 stages at the Masked Carnivale. 4.5

&00000000000022110000002,211 Male Female Perfect Blue Something Borrowed Achieve the “Perfect Blue” feat at the Masked Carnivale. 4.5

&00000000000022310000002,231 Male Female Eurekan Explorer Making the Most of Hydatos Complete all the story objectives within the Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos. 4.55

&00000000000022330000002,233 Male Female A Requiem For Heroes Swan Song Complete the main scenario quest “A Requiem for Heroes.” 4.56

&00000000000022340000002,234 Male Female The Soboro Good Night, Sweet Hildy Complete the quest “Don't Do the Dewprism.” 4.56

&00000000000022350000002,235 Male Female Kageyama Killer West Meets East Complete the quest “What a Wonder-full World.” 4.56

&00000000000022410000002,241 Male Female Kingsglaive Brother from Another Mothercrystal Complete the quest “Messenger of the Winds.” 4.56

&00000000000022430000002,243 Male Lord of the Fetch
Female Lady of the Fetch
Live to Serve Complete the quest “In Bad Taste.” 4.5

&00000000000022450000002,245 Male Female Grandmaster Caster Go Big or Go Home XVI Catch 204 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, or Stormblood. 4.56

&00000000000022750000002,275 Male Female Soul of War Mastering War IV Achieve level 80 as a Gladiator, Pugilist, Marauder, Lancer, Archer, Rogue, Dark Knight, Machinist, Samurai, Gunbreaker, and Dancer. 5.0

&00000000000022760000002,276 Male Female Soul of Magic Mastering Magic IV Achieve level 80 as a Conjurer, Thaumaturge, Arcanist, Astrologian, and Red Mage. 5.0

&00000000000022780000002,278 Male Female Soul of the Craft Mastering the Hand IV Achieve level 80 as a Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist, and Culinarian. 5.0

&00000000000022790000002,279 Male Female Soul of the Harvest Mastering the Land IV Achieve level 80 as a Miner, Botanist, and Fisher. 5.0

&00000000000022930000002,293 Male Female Outlander Between Two Worlds Complete the main scenario quest “Warrior of Darkness.” 5.0

&00000000000022940000002,294 Male Female The Fae-touched Realpolitik Complete the main scenario quest “The Wheel Turns.” 5.0

&00000000000022950000002,295 Male Female Seeker of Hidden Truths Journey to the Past Complete the main scenario quest “Out of the Wood.” 5.0

&00000000000022960000002,296 Male Female Of the Sunless Sea Shrouded in Darkness Complete the main scenario quest “More than a Hunch.” 5.0

&00000000000022970000002,297 Male Female Enemy of Innocence Warden of Light Complete the main scenario quest “Extinguishing the Last Light.” 5.0

&00000000000022980000002,298 Male Female Shadowbringer Shadowbringers (Achievement) Complete the main scenario quest "Shadowbringers." 5.0

&00000000000022990000002,299 Male Female Sworn Protector Gunnhildr's Blade I Complete the Gunbreaker job quest “Steel against Steel.” 5.0

&00000000000023000000002,300 Male Female The Heart's Beat No Friends of Mine I Complete the Dancer job quest “Save the Last Dance for Me.” 5.0

&00000000000023050000002,305 Male Female Living Memory Tales to Be Told Complete the quest “Shadow Walk with Me.” 5.0

&00000000000023060000002,306 Male Female Bulwark between Worlds Like a Knight in Shining Armor IV Complete the Paladin job quest “Worth Fighting For.” 5.0

&00000000000023070000002,307 Male Female The Transcendent Bulletproof IV Complete the Monk job quest “A Monk's Legacy.” 5.0

&00000000000023080000002,308 Male Female Worldcleaver I Am the Warrior IV Complete the warrior job quest “Once, Twice, Three Times a Warrior.” 5.0

&00000000000023090000002,309 Male Female Bolt from the Black Dragoon Age IV Complete the Dragoon job quest “Gone but Not Forgiven.” 5.0

&00000000000023100000002,310 Male Female The Song upon the Wind A Bard's Tale IV Complete the Bard job quest “A Harmony from the Heavens.” 5.0

&00000000000023110000002,311 Male Female Firstblessed Seeing White IV Complete the White Mage job quest “Whence the Healing Springs.” 5.0

&00000000000023120000002,312 Male Female Of Stranger Shadow Back in Black IV Complete the Black Mage job quest “A Home for a Tome.” 5.0

&00000000000023130000002,313 Male Female Farcaller Soul Summoner IV Complete the Summoner job quest “To Be Second Best.” 5.0

&00000000000023140000002,314 Male Female Knower of Twin Worlds Flying Colors IV Complete the Scholar job quest “True Beauty.” 5.0

&00000000000023150000002,315 Male Female Shadow of the Other Against the Ninja IV Complete the Ninja job quest “Oboro's Big Idea.” 5.0

&00000000000023160000002,316 Male Female The Boundless Dark A Dark Day's Knight IV Complete the Dark Knight job quest “Our Closure.” 5.0

&00000000000023170000002,317 Male Female The Shot Heard Across Worlds I'm a Machinist, Not a Man IV Complete the Machinist job quest “Machinists for the Morrow.” 5.0

&00000000000023180000002,318 Male Female Distant Stargazer The Stars in Our Faults IV Complete the Astrologian job quest “Love, Astrologically.” 5.0

&00000000000023190000002,319 Male Female Dualistic Duelist Red on Arrival III Complete the Red Mage job quest “Succession of Steel.” 5.0

&00000000000023200000002,320 Male Female Samurai in a Strange Land SAM I Am III Complete the Samurai job quest “The Legend of Musosai.” 5.0

&00000000000023210000002,321 Male Female Wandering Vanguard Gunnhildr's Blade II Complete the Gunbreaker job quest “Gunblades of the Patriots.” 5.0

&00000000000023220000002,322 Male Female Riftdancer No Friends of Mine II Complete the Dancer job quest “Rising to the Occasion.” 5.0

&00000000000023230000002,323 Male Female Otherworld Smith Precious Metals Complete the quest “The Iron Bellows.” 5.0

&00000000000023240000002,324 Male Female Otherworld Artisan Thank You for the Music Complete the quest “The Notes of Bond Restoring.” 5.0

&00000000000023250000002,325 Male Female Otherworld Apothecary Amaro Whisperer Complete the quest “Healing Old Wounds.” 5.0

&00000000000023260000002,326 Male Female Otherworld Seeker The Lost World (Achievement) Complete the quest “The Myth Takes Form.” 5.0

&00000000000023270000002,327 Male Female Otherworld Angler Live Long and Prospero Complete the quest “Morsel of the Deep.” 5.0

&00000000000023280000002,328 Male Female The Multifaceted The Golden Mean Complete the quest “For Every Child a Star.” 5.0

&00000000000023360000002,336 Male Female Trusted Friend Bound by Faith Achieve trust level 80 with the avatars for Alphinaud, Alisaie, Thancred, Urianger, Y'shtola, and Ryne. 5.0

&00000000000023490000002,349 Male Female The Invisible Hand Merchant's Best Friend Obtain “Free Market Friend” achievements for all six regions in Norvrandt. 5.0

&00000000000023520000002,352 Male Female Charming Brute Shadowbring Your A Game III Slay 2,000 rank A elite marks in Norvrandt. 5.0

&00000000000023550000002,355 Male Female The Fabulously Feral Shadowbring Your S Game III Slay 1,000 elite marks of rank S or higher in Norvrandt. 5.0

&00000000000023870000002,387 Male Female Of Unyielding Oath Tank You, Paladin IV Complete 500 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, level 50/60/70/80 duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a Paladin.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000023880000002,388 Male Female Of Unyielding Steel Tank You, Warrior IV Complete 500 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, level 50/60/70/80 duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a warrior.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000023890000002,389 Male Female Of Unyielding Principle Tank You, Dark Knight IV Complete 500 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, level 50/60/70/80 duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a Dark Knight.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000023930000002,393 Male Female Of Unyielding Lealty Tank You, Gunbreaker IV Complete 500 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, level 50/60/70/80 duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a Gunbreaker.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000024010000002,401 Male Female Dungeon Raider Beauty and Its Beasts I Raid the Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah. 5.05

&00000000000024040000002,404 Male Female Dungeon Dweller Beauty and Its Beasts IV Raid the Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah 20 times. 5.05

&00000000000024080000002,408 Male Dungeon Lord
Female Dungeon Lady
Happily Treasure After IV Raid the final chamber in the Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah 20 times. 5.05

&00000000000024170000002,417 Male Female Kindred Sword Right on the Money III Successfully complete the GATE “The Slice Is Right” 10 times. 5.1

&00000000000024240000002,424 Male Female Of Virtuous Deeds Black and White Complete the main scenario quest “Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty.” 5.1

&00000000000024290000002,429 Male Female Kai-Shirr's Best Mate Satisfaction Guaranteed: Kai-Shirr V Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Kai-Shirr. 5.1

&00000000000024350000002,435 Male Female Honeybee The Customer Is Always Right: Kai-Shirr VI Deliver 150 collectables to Kai-Shirr. 5.1

&00000000000024390000002,439 Male Female Sweet Dreamer Forever Young Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Dreamspinners. 5.1

&00000000000024440000002,444 Male Female The Perfect Legend When I Ruled the World Defeat Perfect Alexander in the Epic of Alexander (Ultimate). 5.11

&00000000000024480000002,448 Male Female Blue to the Bone The More You Know VII Learn 80 Blue Mage spells. 5.18

&00000000000024500000002,450 Male Female Champion of the Blue None More Blue Achieve the “The Celestium's Finest” feat at the Masked Carnivale. 5.18

&00000000000024530000002,453 Male Female Blue Luminary Jack of All Trades III Complete 50 types of routine mission in the Blue Mage Log. 5.18

&00000000000024660000002,466 Male Female Masked of the Round Mightier than the Round Complete the Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign with a party of only Blue Mages, Silence Echo turned on, and Unrestricted Party turned off. 5.18

&00000000000024740000002,474 Male Female Unbound Blue Blue Unchained Obtain the achievements “Mightier than the Dragon,” “Mightier than the Raven,” and “Mightier than the Dreadwyrm.” 5.18

&00000000000024750000002,475 Male Female Blue Justice Masked Conqueror Obtain the achievements “Mightier than the Manipulator,” “Mightier than Justice,” and “Mightier than the Prime.” 5.18

&00000000000024820000002,482 Male Female The Battleforged One Steppe at a Time VI Guide any of the three Grand Companies to a total of 300 victories at Onsal Hakair. 5.18

&00000000000024870000002,487 This achievement was removed in patch 5.5. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Saint of the Firmament Phase II Divine Ascension Place between 1st and 12th in the skybuilder rankings during the second phase of reconstruction. 5.21

&00000000000024880000002,488 This achievement was removed in patch 5.5. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Beatus of the Firmament
Female Beata of the Firmament
Phase II Minor Miracle Place between 1st and 100th in the skybuilder rankings during the second phase of reconstruction. 5.21

&00000000000024910000002,491 Male Female Frame of the Firmament Skyward Saw III Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as a Carpenter. 5.21

&00000000000024940000002,494 Male Female Forge of the Firmament Skyward Smithy III Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as a Blacksmith. 5.21

&00000000000024970000002,497 Male Female Hammer of the Firmament Skyward Hammer III Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as an Armorer. 5.21

&00000000000025000000002,500 Male Female Jewel of the Firmament Skyward Gemstone III Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as a Goldsmith. 5.21

&00000000000025030000002,503 Male Female Knife of the Firmament Skyward Knife III Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as a Leatherworker. 5.21

&00000000000025060000002,506 Male Female Weave of the Firmament Skyward Needle III Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as a Weaver. 5.21

&00000000000025090000002,509 Male Female Panacea of the Firmament Skyward Science III Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as an Alchemist. 5.21

&00000000000025120000002,512 Male Female Pan of the Firmament Skyward Skillet III Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as a Culinarian. 5.21

&00000000000025150000002,515 Male Female Pick of the Firmament Skyward Sledgehammer III Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as a Miner. 5.21

&00000000000025180000002,518 Male Female Hatchet of the Firmament Skyward Scythe III Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as a Botanist. 5.21

&00000000000025210000002,521 Male Female Rod of the Firmament Skyward Rod III Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as a Fisher. 5.21

&00000000000025240000002,524 Male Female The Hand of Creation Handking of the World Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as every Disciple of the Hand. 5.21

&00000000000025250000002,525 Male Female Divine Provider Landking of the World Earn 500,000 points toward your skyward score as every Disciple of the Land. 5.21

&00000000000025270000002,527 Male Female The Nest's Own Carpenter The Height of Carpentry As a Carpenter, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.21

&00000000000025280000002,528 Male Female The Nest's Own Blacksmith The Height of Smithing As a Blacksmith, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.21

&00000000000025290000002,529 Male Female The Nest's Own Armorer The Height of Armorcraft As an Armorer, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.21

&00000000000025300000002,530 Male Female The Nest's Own Goldsmith The Height of Gemcraft As a Goldsmith, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.21

&00000000000025310000002,531 Male Female The Nest's Own Leatherworker The Height of Leathercraft As a Leatherworker, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.21

&00000000000025320000002,532 Male Female The Nest's Own Weaver The Height of Clothcraft As a Weaver, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.21

&00000000000025330000002,533 Male Female The Nest's Own Alchemist The Height of Alchemy As an Alchemist, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.21

&00000000000025340000002,534 Male Female The Nest's Own Culinarian The Height of Cuisine As a Culinarian, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.21

&00000000000025350000002,535 Male Female The Nest's Own Miner The Height of Mining As a Miner, submit 50,000 expert recipe materials for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.21

&00000000000025360000002,536 Male Female The Nest's Own Botanist The Height of Botany As a Botanist, submit 50,000 expert recipe materials for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.21

&00000000000025370000002,537 Male Female The Nest's Own Fisher The Height of Angling As a Fisher, submit 300 artisanal seafood items for the second phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.21

&00000000000025400000002,540 Male Female Fortune's Favored Kupo Let Luck Be a Moogle III Claim first prize 30 times in Kupo of Fortune. 5.21

&00000000000025620000002,562 Male Female Ocean Fisher No More Fish in the Sea III Score at least 16,000 points during a single ocean fishing voyage. 5.2

&00000000000025630000002,563 Male Female Octopus Traveler What Did Octopodes Do to You? Earn the “Octopus Travelers” bonus during an ocean fishing voyage. 5.2

&00000000000025640000002,564 Male Female Shark Hunter What Did Sharks Do to You? Earn the “Certifiable Shark Hunters” bonus during an ocean fishing voyage. 5.2

&00000000000025650000002,565 Male Female Jellyfish Fanatic What Did Jellyfish Do to You? Earn the “Jelled Together” bonus during an ocean fishing voyage. 5.2

&00000000000025660000002,566 Male Female Sea Dragoon What Did Seadragons Do to You? Earn the “Maritime Dragonslayers” bonus during an ocean fishing voyage. 5.2

&00000000000025870000002,587 Male Female Echo of a Fallen Star Way More Heroes Complete the main scenario quest “Echoes of a Fallen Star.” 5.2

&00000000000026000000002,600 Male Female Ronkan Historian History's No Mystery Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Stewards. 5.2

&00000000000026270000002,627 Male Female A Dragon's Best Friend Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ehll Tou V Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Ehll Tou. 5.3

&00000000000026330000002,633 Male Female Tinker Tutor The Customer Is Always Right: Ehll Tou VI Deliver 150 collectables to Ehll Tou. 5.3

&00000000000026350000002,635 Male Female Partner in Teatime Friend or Faux II Play Faux Hollows 5 times. 5.3

&00000000000026370000002,637 Male Vrai Ami
Female Vraie Amie
Friend or Faux IV Play Faux Hollows 50 times. 5.3

&00000000000026410000002,641 Male Female Tank Technician Beard Science Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with Watts's Anvil. 5.3

&00000000000026420000002,642 Male Female Shepherd to the Stars Hope's Legacy Complete the main scenario quest “Reflections in Crystal.” 5.3

&00000000000026480000002,648 Male Female Featherfall's Finest Carpenter Carpenters of a Feather As a Carpenter, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.31

&00000000000026490000002,649 Male Female Featherfall's Finest Blacksmith Blacksmiths of a Feather As a Blacksmith, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.31

&00000000000026500000002,650 Male Female Featherfall's Finest Armorer Armorers of a Feather As an Armorer, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.31

&00000000000026510000002,651 Male Female Featherfall's Finest Goldsmith Goldsmiths of a Feather As a Goldsmith, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.31

&00000000000026520000002,652 Male Female Featherfall's Finest Leatherworker Leatherworkers of a Feather As a Leatherworker, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.31

&00000000000026530000002,653 Male Female Featherfall's Finest Weaver Weavers of a Feather As a Weaver, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.31

&00000000000026540000002,654 Male Female Featherfall's Finest Alchemist Alchemists of a Feather As an Alchemist, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.31

&00000000000026550000002,655 Male Female Featherfall's Finest Culinarian Culinarians of a Feather As a Culinarian, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.31

&00000000000026560000002,656 Male Female Featherfall's Finest Miner Miners of a Feather As a Miner, submit 50,000 expert recipe materials for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.31

&00000000000026570000002,657 Male Female Featherfall's Finest Botanist Botanists of a Feather As a Botanist, submit 50,000 expert recipe materials for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.31

&00000000000026580000002,658 Male Female Featherfall's Finest Fisher Fishers of a Feather As a Fisher, submit 300 artisanal seafood items for the third phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.31

&00000000000026750000002,675 Male Female The Decisive Blow Critical Role IV Complete 500 critical engagements in Bozja. 5.35

&00000000000026790000002,679 Male Female Skirmisher No Man's Land IV Successfully complete 500 skirmishes in Bozja. 5.35

&00000000000026820000002,682 Male Female Siege Liege Operation: Eagle's Nest III Clear Castrum Lacus Litore 50 times. 5.35

&00000000000026830000002,683 Male Female Gabriel's Downfall Missing an Angel Defeat Gabriel in a duel at the Bozjan southern front. 5.35

&00000000000026840000002,684 Male Female Queller of Beasts Lyon's Share Defeat Lyon the Beast King in a duel at the Bozjan southern front. 5.35

&00000000000026850000002,685 Male Female The Death of Flame Burn Baby Burn Defeat Sartauvoir quo Soranus in a duel at the Bozjan southern front. 5.35

&00000000000026860000002,686 Male Female Sword of the South Close Encounters Obtain the achievements “Missing an Angel,” “Lyon's Share,” and “Burn Baby Burn.” 5.35

&00000000000026930000002,693 Male Female Guardian Angel No Need for Triage III Resurrect another player in a Save the Queen area 500 times. 5.35

&00000000000027120000002,712 This achievement was removed in patch 5.5. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Saint of the Firmament Phase III Divine Ascension Place between 1st and 12th in the skybuilder rankings during the third phase of reconstruction. 5.31

&00000000000027130000002,713 This achievement was removed in patch 5.5. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Beatus of the Firmament
Female Beata of the Firmament
Phase III Minor Miracle Place between 1st and 100th in the skybuilder rankings during the third phase of reconstruction. 5.31

&00000000000027140000002,714 Male Female Writer of Histories Pen and Sword Complete the main scenario quest “Futures Rewritten.” 5.4

&00000000000027270000002,727 Male Female Of the Truest Blue Violets Are Violet Achieve the “Pure Azure” feat at the Masked Carnivale. 5.45

&00000000000027280000002,728 Male Female Blue Ranger Jack of All Trades IV Complete 90 types of routine mission in the Blue Mage Log. 5.45

&00000000000027390000002,739 Male Female The Azure and Omega Omega Blue Obtain the achievements “Mightier than the Delta,” “Mightier than the Sigma,” and “Mightier than the Alpha.” 5.45

&00000000000027400000002,740 Male Female Secret Finder The Dancing Prisoners I Raid the Shifting Oubliettes of Lyhe Ghiah. 5.4

&00000000000027430000002,743 Male Female Secret Keeper The Dancing Prisoners IV Raid the Shifting Oubliettes of Lyhe Ghiah 20 times. 5.4

&00000000000027470000002,747 Male Female Gaolbreaker Away with the Fae IV Open the final portal in the Shifting Oubliettes of Lyhe Ghiah 20 times. 5.4

&00000000000027540000002,754 Male Female Balloon Catcher What Did Balloons Do to You? Earn the “Balloon Catchers” bonus during an ocean fishing voyage. 5.4

&00000000000027550000002,755 Male Female Deadliest Catcher What Did Crabs Do to You? Earn the “Crab Boat Crew” bonus during an ocean fishing voyage. 5.4

&00000000000027560000002,756 Male Female Manta Maniac What Did Mantas Do to You? Earn the “Sticking it to the Manta” bonus during an ocean fishing voyage. 5.4

&00000000000027580000002,758 Male Female World-class Troller On a Boat V Earn a cumulative total of 3,000,000 points while ocean fishing. 5.4

&00000000000027590000002,759 Male Female Master of the Sea No More Fish in the Sea IV Score at least 20,000 points during a single ocean fishing voyage. 5.4

&00000000000027660000002,766 Male Female Delubrum Delver Savage Queen of Swords II Clear Delubrum Reginae (Savage) 5 times. 5.45

&00000000000027850000002,785 This achievement was removed in patch 5.5. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Saint of the Firmament Phase IV Divine Ascension Place between 1st and 12th in the skybuilder rankings during the fourth phase of reconstruction. 5.41

&00000000000027860000002,786 This achievement was removed in patch 5.5. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Beatus of the Firmament
Female Beata of the Firmament
Phase IV Minor Miracle Place between 1st and 100th in the skybuilder rankings during the fourth phase of reconstruction. 5.41

&00000000000028000000002,800 Male Female Tournament Leader Open and Shut II Rank 1st in an Open tournament 50 times. 5.4

&00000000000028070000002,807 Male Female The Risensung Carpenter An Ode to Carpentry As a Carpenter, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.41

&00000000000028080000002,808 Male Female The Risensung Blacksmith An Ode to Smithing As a Blacksmith, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.41

&00000000000028090000002,809 Male Female The Risensung Armorer An Ode to Armorcraft As an Armorer, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.41

&00000000000028100000002,810 Male Female The Risensung Goldsmith An Ode to Gemcraft As a Goldsmith, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.41

&00000000000028110000002,811 Male Female The Risensung Leatherworker An Ode to Leathercraft As a Leatherworker, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.41

&00000000000028120000002,812 Male Female The Risensung Weaver An Ode to Clothcraft As a Weaver, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.41

&00000000000028130000002,813 Male Female The Risensung Alchemist An Ode to Alchemy As an Alchemist, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.41

&00000000000028140000002,814 Male Female The Risensung Culinarian An Ode to Cooking As a Culinarian, craft and submit 100 expert recipe items for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.41

&00000000000028150000002,815 Male Female The Risensung Miner An Ode to Mining As a Miner, submit 50,000 expert recipe materials for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.41

&00000000000028160000002,816 Male Female The Risensung Botanist An Ode to Botany As a Botanist, submit 50,000 expert recipe materials for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.41

&00000000000028170000002,817 Male Female The Risensung Fisher An Ode to Angling As a Fisher, submit 300 artisanal seafood items for the fourth phase of the Ishgardian restoration. 5.41

&00000000000028190000002,819 Male Female Jack of All Cards A Card in the Hand Collect all Triple Triad cards numbered 1 through 312. 5.5

&00000000000028200000002,820 Male Female Speed Demon Fast and Flurry-ous Obtain a Landerwaffe flute. 5.5

&00000000000028290000002,829 Male Female The Indefatigable Blameless Tools Obtain a complete set of resplendent crafter's tools. 5.5

&00000000000028330000002,833 Male Lord of Far Waters
Female Lady of Far Waters
Go Big Far from Home V Catch 45 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during Shadowbringers. 5.5

&00000000000028340000002,834 Male Female Big Fish No River Wide Enough Obtain the achievements “Go Big or Go Home XVI” and “Go Big Far from Home V.” 5.5

&00000000000028390000002,839 Male Female Charlemend's Angel Satisfaction Guaranteed: Charlemend V Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Charlemend. 5.5

&00000000000028450000002,845 Male Female Lifesaver The Customer Is Always Right: Charlemend VI Deliver 150 collectables to Charlemend. 5.5

&00000000000028510000002,851 Male Female Dawn Treader Under the Darkened Moon Complete the main scenario quest “Death Unto Dawn.” 5.5

&00000000000028520000002,852 Male Female Witness to the Dark Apocalypse Inner Truth Complete the quest “Whence the Heart Leads.” 5.5

&00000000000028760000002,876 Male Female Dalriada Raider Hell to Pay III Clear the Dalriada in Zadnor 50 times. 5.5

&00000000000028770000002,877 Male Female The Hypertuned Test Complete Defeat Hypertuned Dabog in a duel in Zadnor. 5.5

&00000000000028780000002,878 Male Female Commander Conqueror Might Makes Right Defeat Menenius sas Lanatus in a duel in Zadnor. 5.5

&00000000000028790000002,879 Male Female Lyon Tamer Untamed Defeat Lyon the Beast King in a duel in Zadnor. 5.5

&00000000000028800000002,880 Male Female Hero of Zadnor Close Encounters of the Zadnoran Kind Obtain the achievements “Test Complete,” “Might Makes Right,” and “Untamed.” 5.5

&00000000000028810000002,881 Male Female Gunnhildr's Blade Sharper than Blades Obtain the achievements “Close Encounters” and “Close Encounters of the Zadnoran Kind.” 5.5

&00000000000028820000002,882 Male Female The Emblazoned Suns of Bozja Earn 10 Suns of Fortitude, 10 Suns of Valor, and 10 Suns of Succor. 5.5

&00000000000028840000002,884 Male Female Queen's Elect Carry On, Carry On Complete the quest “March of the Bloody Queen.” 5.5

&00000000000029230000002,923 Male Female At War's Horizon Mastering War V Achieve level 90 as a Gladiator, Pugilist, Marauder, Lancer, Archer, Rogue, Dark Knight, Machinist, Samurai, Gunbreaker, Dancer, and reaper. 6.0

&00000000000029240000002,924 Male Female At Magic's Horizon Mastering Magic V Achieve level 90 as a Conjurer, Thaumaturge, Arcanist, Astrologian, Red Mage, and sage. 6.0

&00000000000029260000002,926 Male Female At Art's Horizon Mastering the Hand V Achieve level 90 as a Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist, and Culinarian. 6.0

&00000000000029270000002,927 Male Female At Land's Horizon Mastering the Land V Achieve level 90 as a Miner, Botanist, and Fisher. 6.0

&00000000000029520000002,952 Male Female Magus Resister On Wings of Hope Complete the main scenario quest “The Color of Joy.” 6.0

&00000000000029530000002,953 Male Female Moonwalker Rise Up Through the Night Complete the main scenario quest “The Martyr.” 6.0

&00000000000029540000002,954 Male Female Lightingway Higher Complete the main scenario quest “Returning Home.” 6.0

&00000000000029550000002,955 Male Female Vrtra's Valiant Oh, Higher Complete the main scenario quest “At World's End.” 6.0

&00000000000029560000002,956 Male Female Elpiphoros Carrying Our Song Complete the main scenario quest “Thou Must Live, Die, and Know.” 6.0

&00000000000029570000002,957 Male Female Hope's Legacy Fast Within Your Arms Complete the main scenario quest “Her Children, One and All.” 6.0

&00000000000029580000002,958 Male Female Endwalker That Its Chorus Might Ring for All Complete the main scenario quest “Endwalker.” 6.0

&00000000000029590000002,959 Male Female Lemures Manes Exite Paterni Complete the quest “The Killing Art.” 6.0

&00000000000029600000002,960 Male Female The Sagacious Sage, Heal Thyself Complete the quest “Life Ephemeral, Path Eternal.” 6.0

&00000000000029660000002,966 Male Female Erudite Smith Found in Translation Complete the quest “Wayback Machine.” 6.0

&00000000000029670000002,967 Male Female Erudite Artisan Starry Night Complete the quest “The Promised Star.” 6.0

&00000000000029680000002,968 Male Female Erudite Apothecary Winning Bread Complete the quest “Sharlayan Cuisine.” 6.0

&00000000000029690000002,969 Male Female Erudite Seeker 'Tis Not Hereafter Complete the quest “The Culture of Love.” 6.0

&00000000000029700000002,970 Male Female Erudite Angler Sufficient Data Complete the quest “Pastures New.” 6.0

&00000000000029710000002,971 Male Female Honorary Academic Overeducated Complete the quest “The Meeting of Minds.” 6.0

&00000000000029720000002,972 Male Female The Seventh Dawn Bound by Hope Achieve trust level 90 with the avatars for Alphinaud, Alisaie, Thancred, Urianger, Y'shtola, G'raha Tia, and Estinien. 6.0

&00000000000029900000002,990 Male Female Of Unbreakable Oath Tank You, Paladin V Complete 700 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, level 50/60/70/80 duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a Paladin.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000029910000002,991 Male Female Of Unbreakable Steel Tank You, Warrior V Complete 700 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, level 50/60/70/80 duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a warrior.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000029920000002,992 Male Female Of Unbreakable Principle Tank You, Dark Knight V Complete 700 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, level 50/60/70/80 duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a Dark Knight.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000029930000002,993 Male Female Of Unbreakable Lealty Tank You, Gunbreaker V Complete 700 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, level 50/60/70/80 duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a Gunbreaker.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000029960000002,996 Male Female Gleaning Machine Take Your A Game Further III Slay 2,000 rank A elite marks in Endwalker regions. 6.0

&00000000000029990000002,999 Male Female The Keen Take Your S Game Further III Slay 1,000 rank S elite marks in Endwalker regions. 6.0

&00000000000030120000003,012 Male Female The Excruciatingly Excited My Way or the Hyperway I Raid the Excitatron 6000. 6.05

&00000000000030150000003,015 Male Female On the Hype Tron My Way or the Hyperway IV Raid the Excitatron 6000 20 times. 6.05

&00000000000030190000003,019 Male Female Lunaire Riche Milk Those Ways IV Raid the final stage in the Excitatron 6000 20 times. 6.05

&00000000000030280000003,028 Male Female Patron of the Fates Far Trade Obtain “Free Market Friend” achievements for Labyrinthos, Thavnair, Garlemald, Mare Lamentorum, Elpis, and Ultima Thule. 6.0

&00000000000030450000003,045 Male Female The Arbiter Crystal Lining V Triumph in 1,000 matches in Crystalline Conflict. 6.1

&00000000000030460000003,046 Male Female Bronze Bearer Solid Bronze Complete a Crystalline Conflict season in or above the Bronze tier. 6.1

&00000000000030470000003,047 Male Female Silver Bearer Solid Silver Complete a Crystalline Conflict season in or above the Silver tier. 6.1

&00000000000030480000003,048 Male Female Gold Bearer Solid Gold Complete a Crystalline Conflict season in or above the Gold tier. 6.1

&00000000000030490000003,049 Male Female Platinum Bearer Solid Platinum Complete a Crystalline Conflict season in or above the Platinum tier. 6.1

&00000000000030500000003,050 Male Female Diamond Bearer Solid Diamond Complete a Crystalline Conflict season in or above the Diamond tier. 6.1

&00000000000030510000003,051 Male Female Crystal Bearer Solid Crystal Complete a Crystalline Conflict season in the Crystal tier. 6.1

&00000000000030520000003,052 This achievement was removed in patch 6.18. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier Complete Crystalline Conflict Season One ranked #1. 6.1

&00000000000030530000003,053 This achievement was removed in patch 6.18. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough Complete Crystalline Conflict Season One ranked within the top 30. 6.1

&00000000000030540000003,054 This achievement was removed in patch 6.18. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed Complete Crystalline Conflict Season One ranked within the top 100. 6.1

&00000000000030580000003,058 Male Female Hippo Hero Ride or Die Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Hippo Riders. 6.15

&00000000000030630000003,063 Male Ami d'Améliance
Female Amie d'Améliance
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Ameliance V Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Ameliance. 6.15

&00000000000030690000003,069 Male Female Academic Advocate The Customer Is Always Right: Ameliance VI Deliver 150 collectables to Ameliance. 6.15

&00000000000030740000003,074 Male Female The Heavens' Legend As Suits a Hero Complete Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate). 6.11

&00000000000030750000003,075 Male Female Newfound Adventurer Newfound Adventure (Achievement) Complete the main scenario quest “A Satrap's Duty.” 6.1

&00000000000030760000003,076 Male Female Blessed Relief Sum of Our Parts Complete the quest “Forlorn Glory.” 6.1

&00000000000030830000003,083 Male Female Makai Samurai Echoes of the Makai Blade Obtain a full five-piece set of Samurai Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 6.1

&00000000000030840000003,084 Male Female Makai Red Mage Echoes of the Makai Crimson Obtain a full five-piece set of Red Mage Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 6.1

&00000000000030850000003,085 Male Female Makai Gunbreaker Echoes of the Makai Guardian Obtain a full five-piece set of Gunbreaker Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 6.1

&00000000000030860000003,086 Male Female Makai Dancer Echoes of the Makai Flicker Obtain a full five-piece set of Dancer Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 6.1

&00000000000030870000003,087 Male Female Makai Reaper Echoes of the Makai End Obtain a full five-piece set of reaper Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 6.1

&00000000000030880000003,088 Male Female Makai Sage Echoes of the Makai Mind Obtain a full five-piece set of sage Garo gear and speak with the disreputable priest. Accessories not required. 6.1

&00000000000030890000003,089 Male Female Sanctuary Seeker No Mammet Is an Island Achieve sanctuary rank 10 in your island sanctuary. 6.2

&00000000000031030000003,103 Male Female Trader of Paradise No Rest (Cycle) for the Wicked II Accrue isleworks earnings totaling at least 17,000 cowries across a seven-cycle period. 6.2

&00000000000031040000003,104 Male Female Cieldalaes Connoisseur Holy Cowrie Earn a total of 500,000 seafarer's cowries in your island sanctuary. 6.2

&00000000000031050000003,105 Male Female Voidbound Into the Light Complete the main scenario quest “Buried Memory.” 6.2

&00000000000031140000003,114 This achievement was removed in patch 6.2. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Two Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Two ranked #1. 6.2

&00000000000031150000003,115 This achievement was removed in patch 6.2. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Two Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Two ranked within the top 30. 6.2

&00000000000031160000003,116 This achievement was removed in patch 6.2. Rewards and titles, if any, are still usable if you obtained the achievement prior to its removal.Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Two Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Two ranked within the top 100. 6.2

&00000000000031170000003,117 Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Three Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Three ranked #1. 6.2

&00000000000031180000003,118 Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Three Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Three ranked within the top 30. 6.2

&00000000000031190000003,119 Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Three Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Three ranked within the top 100. 6.2

&00000000000031260000003,126 Male Female Barista at the End of the Universe Fully Caffeinated Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the staff and patrons of the Last Dregs. 6.25

&00000000000031520000003,152 Male Female Sultana's Shadow Sultana's Favor Complete the quest “For Coin, Country, and Comrades.” 6.25

&00000000000031560000003,156 Male Female Infamy of Sil'dih The Savage Sands Below Complete the criterion dungeon Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (Savage). 6.25

&00000000000031570000003,157 Male Female Fiendslayer Hallowed and Harrowed Complete the main scenario quest “Gods Revel, Lands Tremble.” 6.3

&00000000000031620000003,162 Male Female The Alpha Legend Heart to Heartless See Omega's experiment to its ultimate conclusion in the Omega Protocol (Ultimate). 6.31

&00000000000031670000003,167 Male Female Leaf Whisperer Satisfaction Guaranteed: Anden V Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Anden. 6.3

&00000000000031730000003,173 Male Female Man-maker The Customer Is Always Right: Anden VI Deliver 150 collectables to Anden. 6.3

&00000000000031760000003,176 Male Female Duskfall Le Morte d'Allagan Monstrosities III Clear the 30th floor of Eureka Orthos. 6.35

&00000000000031780000003,178 Male Female True Steel Le Morte d'Allagan Monstrosities V Clear the 100th floor of Eureka Orthos. 6.35

&00000000000031830000003,183 Male Once and Future King
Female Once and Future Queen
All by Eurekaself II Clear the 1st through the 100th floors of Eureka Orthos solo. 6.35

&00000000000031840000003,184 Male Female The Accursed For the Hoard VI Discover 20,000 pieces of the Accursed Hoard. 6.35

&00000000000031850000003,185 Male Female Sovereign Hero Vintage Vogue Speak with Koh Rabntah while in possession of all four of the enaretos accessories. 6.35

&00000000000031910000003,191 Male Female Dreaming Worker Every Which Way Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Dreaming Ways. 6.35

&00000000000032100000003,210 Male Female Agonistes On the Proteion I Raid the Shifting Gymnasion Agonon. 6.3

&00000000000032130000003,213 Male Female Gymnasiarch On the Proteion IV Raid the Shifting Gymnasion Agonon 20 times. 6.3

&00000000000032170000003,217 Male Female Olympian Let None but Gymnasts Enter Here IV Conquer the final trial in the Shifting Gymnasion Agonon 20 times. 6.3

&00000000000032180000003,218 Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Four Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Four ranked #1. 6.3

&00000000000032190000003,219 Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Four Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Four ranked within the top 30. 6.3

&00000000000032200000003,220 Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Four Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Four ranked within the top 100. 6.3

&00000000000032210000003,221 Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Five Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Five ranked #1. 6.3

&00000000000032220000003,222 Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Five Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Five ranked within the top 30. 6.3

&00000000000032230000003,223 Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Five Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Five ranked within the top 100. 6.3

&00000000000032440000003,244 Male Female Throneshaker You Win or You Dais Complete the main scenario quest “The Dark Throne.” 6.4

&00000000000032550000003,255 Male Female Wolf of Easy Street No Rest (Cycle) for the Wicked III Accrue isleworks earnings totaling at least 33,000 cowries across a seven-cycle period. 6.4

&00000000000032660000003,266 Male Female Doom of the Deep Near, Far, Wherever Fish Are III Score at least 16,000 points during a single ocean fishing voyage on the Ruby route. 6.4

&00000000000032670000003,267 Male Female Sea Comber What Did Shellfish Do to You? Earn the “Maximum Mussel” bonus during an ocean fishing voyage on the Ruby route. 6.4

&00000000000032680000003,268 Male Female Squidzure Dragoon What Did Squid Do to You? Earn the “Squid Squadron” bonus during an ocean fishing voyage on the Ruby route. 6.4

&00000000000032690000003,269 Male Female Shrimp Mariner What Did Shrimp Do to You? Earn the “Shrimp Smorgasbord” bonus during an ocean fishing voyage on the Ruby route. 6.4

&00000000000032700000003,270 Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Six Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Six ranked #1. 6.4

&00000000000032710000003,271 Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Six Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Six ranked within the top 30. 6.4

&00000000000032720000003,272 Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Six Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Six ranked within the top 100. 6.4

&00000000000032730000003,273 Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Seven Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Seven ranked #1. 6.4

&00000000000032740000003,274 Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Seven Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Seven ranked within the top 30. 6.4

&00000000000032750000003,275 Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Seven Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Seven ranked within the top 100. 6.4

&00000000000032780000003,278 Male Female CCRC 2023 Champion Rhyme & Region 2023 Emerge victorious in the 2023 Crystalline Conflict Regional Championship (Europe & Oceania). 6.4

&00000000000032790000003,279 Male Female CCRC 2023 Finalist Rhyme & Region 2023 - Finalist Reach the finals in the 2023 Crystalline Conflict Regional Championship. 6.4

&00000000000032800000003,280 Male Female CCRC 2023 Ranker Rhyme & Region 2023 - Placed Place in the top 8 in the 2023 Crystalline Conflict Regional Championship preliminaries. 6.4

&00000000000033180000003,318 Male Female Glitterier than Goldor All That Glitters Is Blue Achieve the “Going for Gold” feat at the Masked Carnivale. 6.45

&00000000000033190000003,319 Male Female Blueblazer Jack of All Trades V Complete 110 types of routine mission in the Blue Mage Log. 6.45

&00000000000033300000003,330 Male Female Forbidden Blue Bluetopia Obtain the achievements “Mightier than the Gate,” “Mightier than the Verse,” and “Mightier than the Promise.” 6.45

&00000000000033360000003,336 Male Female Reincarnator A Tale of Two Orphans Complete the quest “Of Price and Ruin.” 6.45

&00000000000033400000003,340 Male Female Ascendant Ascetic Moving a Savage Mountain Complete the criterion dungeon Another Mount Rokkon (Savage). 6.45

&00000000000033460000003,346 Male Female Sparrow's Harmony Aloalo's Greatest Gift Complete the quest “A Fish a Day.” 6.51

&00000000000033500000003,350 Male Female Force of Nature Charting the Savage Unknown Complete the criterion dungeon Another Aloalo Island (Savage). 6.51

&00000000000033550000003,355 Male Female Sleepless Scholar Satisfaction Guaranteed: Margrat V Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Margrat. 6.5

&00000000000033610000003,361 Male Female The Resourceful The Customer Is Always Right: Margrat VI Deliver 150 collectables to Margrat. 6.5

&00000000000033730000003,373 Male Female The First's Foremost Many-splendored Complete the quest “Dearly Bekettled.” 6.51

&00000000000033740000003,374 Male Female The Mandervillous With Great Power Comes Great Mandervillity Complete the quest “Resonating with Perfection.” 6.55

&00000000000033750000003,375 Male Female Of the Relentless Sledge I Found That: Miner VIII Mine and record discovery of 260 unique items that can only be gathered as a Miner. 6.5

&00000000000033760000003,376 Male Female Of the Keen Hatchet I Found That: Botanist VIII Harvest and record discovery of 380 unique items that can only be gathered as a Botanist. 6.5

&00000000000033770000003,377 Male Female Of the Irresistible Lure I Caught That VIII Catch and record discovery of 1,460 unique fish. 6.5

&00000000000033780000003,378 Male Female Wavewalker Go Big Till the End III Catch 40 different varieties of big fish in areas explored during Endwalker. 6.55

&00000000000033790000003,379 Male Female The Final Fish Fish Fear Me Obtain the achievements “No River Wide Enough” and “Go Big Till the End III.” 6.55

&00000000000033990000003,399 Male Count of Monte Cowrie
Female Countess of Monte Cowrie
Mammet Is the Measure of Most Things Achieve sanctuary rank 20 in your island sanctuary. 6.5

&00000000000034070000003,407 Male King Bean
Female Queen Bean
It's a Blunderful Life IV Place first in Blunderville 100 times. 6.51

&00000000000034080000003,408 Male Female Embraced by Gods For Eorzea, For Etheirys Complete the quest “Embraced by Gods.” 6.5

&00000000000034090000003,409 Male Female Of the Twinned Star Found the Flame Complete the quest “The Path Infernal.” 6.58

&00000000000034120000003,412 Male Female Wyrm Whisperer Dragon-sitting Obtain an apocryphal Bahamut horn. 6.5

&00000000000034130000003,413 Male Female Growing Light For Others to Follow Complete the main scenario quest “Growing Light.” 6.5

&00000000000034140000003,414 Male Female Sunchaser Tomorrows Unknown Complete the quest “The Coming Dawn.” 6.55

&00000000000034190000003,419 Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Eight Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Eight ranked #1. 6.5

&00000000000034200000003,420 Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Eight Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Eight ranked within the top 30. 6.5

&00000000000034210000003,421 Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Eight Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Eight ranked within the top 100. 6.5

&00000000000034220000003,422 Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Nine Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Nine ranked #1. 6.5

&00000000000034230000003,423 Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Nine Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Nine ranked within the top 30. 6.5

&00000000000034240000003,424 Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Nine Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Nine ranked within the top 100. 6.5

&00000000000034250000003,425 Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Ten Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Ten ranked #1. 6.5

&00000000000034260000003,426 Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Ten Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Ten ranked within the top 30. 6.5

&00000000000034270000003,427 Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Ten Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Ten ranked within the top 100. 6.5

&00000000000034280000003,428 Male Female Epic Hero Criterion Core Obtain the achievements “The Savage Sands Below,” “Moving a Savage Mountain,” and “Charting the Savage Unknown.” 6.51

&00000000000034620000003,462 Male Female Arbiter of War Mastering War VI Achieve level 100 as a Gladiator, Pugilist, Marauder, Lancer, Archer, Rogue, Dark Knight, Machinist, Samurai, Gunbreaker, Dancer, reaper, and viper. 7.0

&00000000000034630000003,463 Male Female Arbiter of Magic Mastering Magic VI Achieve level 100 as a Conjurer, Thaumaturge, Arcanist, Astrologian, Red Mage, sage, and pictomancer. 7.0

&00000000000034650000003,465 Male Female Arbiter of the Arts Mastering the Hand VI Achieve level 100 as a Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist, and Culinarian. 7.0

&00000000000034660000003,466 Male Female Arbiter of the Land Mastering the Land VI Achieve level 100 as a Miner, Botanist, and Fisher. 7.0

&00000000000034910000003,491 Male Female On the Trail A Promise for the People Complete the main scenario quest “For All Turali.” 7.0

&00000000000034920000003,492 Male Female Herald of Peace Peaceful Intentions Complete the main scenario quest “The Promise of Peace.” 7.0

&00000000000034930000003,493 Male Female Sunforged In Rite Triumphant Complete the main scenario quest “Ever Greater, Ever Brighter.” 7.0

&00000000000034940000003,494 Male Female Domebreaker The Worth of a Soul Complete the main scenario quest “Gone and Forgotten.” 7.0

&00000000000034950000003,495 Male Female Knight of Alexandria The Burden of Legacy Complete the main scenario quest “The Resilient Son.” 7.0

&00000000000034960000003,496 Male Female Of the New Dawn In the Glow of a New Dawn Complete the main scenario quest “Dawntrail.” 7.0

&00000000000034970000003,497 Male Female Twinfang Victorious Viper Complete the quest “Vengeance of the Viper.” 7.0

&00000000000034980000003,498 Male Female Picto Perfect Gotta Follow My Rainbow Complete the quest “Somewhere Only She Knows.” 7.0

&00000000000035040000003,504 Male Female Of Countless Alloys Bonds Forged in Fire Complete the quest “A Dream Come True.” 7.0

&00000000000035050000003,505 Male Female Of Countless Crafts These Are Their Stories Complete the quest “A Place in the Sun.” 7.0

&00000000000035060000003,506 Male Female Of Countless Concoctions Worth the Squeeze Complete the quest “Three Cheers for Sweet Juice.” 7.0

&00000000000035070000003,507 Male Female Of Countless Treasures Holistic Gathering Complete the quest “Wellspring of Tears.” 7.0

&00000000000035080000003,508 Male Female Of Countless Catches Forever Fancy Complete the quest “An Odd Fish Odyssey.” 7.0

&00000000000035090000003,509 Male Female Goldheart Bound by Amity Achieve trust level 100 with all available avatars in Dawntrail. 7.0

&00000000000035270000003,527 Male Female Of Untarnished Oath Tank You, Paladin VI Complete 900 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, high-level duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a Paladin.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000035280000003,528 Male Female Of Untarnished Steel Tank You, Warrior VI Complete 900 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, high-level duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a warrior.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000035290000003,529 Male Female Of Untarnished Principle Tank You, Dark Knight VI Complete 900 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, high-level duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a Dark Knight.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000035300000003,530 Male Female Of Untarnished Lealty Tank You, Gunbreaker VI Complete 900 dungeons (lv. 61 and above), extreme trials (lv. 61 and above), unreal trials, high-level duty roulette dungeons, or duty roulette leveling duties as a Gunbreaker.

※Each roulette only counts with daily award bonus.


&00000000000035330000003,533 Male Female Of the Bright Plume Dawn of a New A Game III Slay 2,000 rank A elite marks in Dawntrail regions. 7.0

&00000000000035360000003,536 Male Female Winged Death Dawn of a New S Game III Slay 1,000 rank S elite marks in Dawntrail regions. 7.0

&00000000000035490000003,549 Male Female Of the Hidden Cenote Legends of the Hidden Treasure I Raid Cenote Ja Ja Gural. 7.05

&00000000000035520000003,552 Male Female Of the Brotherhood Legends of the Hidden Treasure IV Raid Cenote Ja Ja Gural 20 times. 7.05

&00000000000035560000003,556 Male Female Of Resplendent Depths Stay Gold, Cenote IV Raid the final platform in Cenote Ja Ja Gural 20 times. 7.05

&00000000000035650000003,565 Male Female Practically Pelupelu Transcontinental Trade Obtain “Free Market Friend” achievements for all six regions in Tural. 7.0

&00000000000035780000003,578 Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Eleven Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Eleven ranked #1. 7.0

&00000000000035790000003,579 Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Eleven Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Eleven ranked within the top 30. 7.0

&00000000000035800000003,580 Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Eleven Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Eleven ranked within the top 100. 7.0

&00000000000035820000003,582 Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Twelve Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Twelve ranked #1. 7.1

&00000000000035830000003,583 Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Twelve Achieve high ranking rewards in Crystalline Conflict Season Twelve. 7.1

&00000000000035840000003,584 Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Twelve Achieve ranked rewards in Crystalline Conflict Season Twelve. 7.1

&00000000000035850000003,585 Male Female Of the Final Conflict Top Tier: Season Thirteen Complete Crystalline Conflict Season Thirteen ranked #1. 7.1

&00000000000035860000003,586 Male Female Of the Endless Conflict Crystal in the Rough: Season Thirteen Achieve high ranking rewards in Crystalline Conflict Season Thirteen. 7.1

&00000000000035870000003,587 Male Female Of the Rising Conflict Ranked and Filed: Season Thirteen Achieve ranked rewards in Crystalline Conflict Season Thirteen. 7.1

&00000000000035910000003,591 Male Female Tourist Wrangler Extra-special Advisor Attain rank 7 reputation (sworn) with the Turali Travel Agency. 7.1

&00000000000035960000003,596 Male Female Tracklayer Satisfaction Guaranteed: Nitowikwe V Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Nitowikwe. 7.15

&00000000000036020000003,602 Male Female Transdimensional Tycoon The Customer Is Always Right: Nitowikwe VI Deliver 150 collectables to Nitowikwe. 7.15

&00000000000036070000003,607 Male Female Of Neon Horizons Crossroads (Achievement) Complete the main scenario quest “Crossroads.” 7.1

&00000000000036090000003,609 Male Female Beader of Bonds Trade and True Complete the quest “Appreciated Value.” 7.15

&00000000000036170000003,617 Male Female Genesis of Legends Alternative Destiny Bear witness to a different future for the Oracles of Light and Darkness. 7.11

Certain Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 (Legacy/Pre 2.0) titles are no longer obtainable, but players who received them at that time can still select them to display. Here is a complete list of these outdated Achievements and titles, default sort is by Achievement ID number.

Male/Female Title Name Achievement Patch
&000000000000001500000015 Male Female Notorious Monster Hunter Notorious Monster Hunting Defeat 25 different notorious monsters. 2.0

&0000000000000125000000125 Male Female Ruthless Gillionaire Never Met a Corpse I Couldn't Rifle Earn a cumulative total of 100,000,000 gil from defeating enemies. 2.0

&0000000000000209000000209 Male Female Of the Meadow Mines I'd Rather Be Quarrying: La Noscea Obtain all five “Rocking Around the Clock: La Noscea” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000215000000215 Male Female Of the Forest Mines I'd Rather Be Quarrying: Black Shroud Obtain all five “Rocking Around the Clock: Black Shroud” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000221000000221 Male Female Of the Desert Mines I'd Rather Be Quarrying: Thanalan Obtain all five “Rocking Around the Clock: Thanalan” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000246000000246 Male Female Of the Meadow Grasses I'd Rather Be Harvesting: La Noscea Obtain all five “Reaping What You Sow: La Noscea” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000252000000252 Male Female Of the Forest Grasses I'd Rather Be Harvesting: Black Shroud Obtain all five “Reaping What You Sow: Black Shroud” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000258000000258 Male Female Of the Desert Grasses I'd Rather Be Harvesting: Thanalan Obtain all five “Reaping What You Sow: Thanalan” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000283000000283 Male Female Of the Meadow Pools I'd Rather Be Spearfishing: La Noscea Obtain all five “Getting Giggy with It: La Noscea” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000289000000289 Male Female Of the Forest Pools I'd Rather Be Spearfishing: Black Shroud Obtain all five “Getting Giggy with It: Black Shroud” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000295000000295 Male Female Of the Desert Pools I'd Rather Be Spearfishing: Thanalan Obtain all five “Getting Giggy with It: Thanalan” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000322000000322 Male Female Sidestepper Sideways Obtain all three “A Little Something on the Side” achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000339000000339 Male Female Peacemaker A Slave to Faction III Complete 100 faction levequests. 2.0

&0000000000000356000000356 Male Female The Sword of La Noscea And All I Got Was This Lousy Achievement: La Noscea Complete 20 regional battlecraft levequests at each aetheryte camp and aetherial gate in La Noscea. 2.0

&0000000000000364000000364 Male Female The Sword of the Shroud And All I Got Was This Lousy Achievement: Black Shroud Complete 20 regional battlecraft levequests at each aetheryte camp and aetherial gate in the Black Shroud. 2.0

&0000000000000372000000372 Male Female The Sword of Thanalan And All I Got Was This Lousy Achievement: Thanalan Complete 20 regional battlecraft levequests at each aetheryte camp and aetherial gate in Thanalan. 2.0

&0000000000000373000000373 Male Female The Sword of Eorzea Globetrotter Complete 20 regional battlecraft levequests at every aetheryte camp and aetherial gate in La Noscea, the Black Shroud, and Thanalan. 2.0

&0000000000000382000000382 Male Female The Shield of La Noscea La Noscea Got Served...and Protected Complete 10 behests at each aetheryte camp and aetherial gate in La Noscea. 2.0

&0000000000000390000000390 Male Female The Shield of the Shroud The Black Shroud Got Served...and Protected Complete 10 behests at each aetheryte camp and aetherial gate in the Black Shroud. 2.0

&0000000000000398000000398 Male Female The Shield of Thanalan Thanalan Got Served...and Protected Complete 10 behests at each aetheryte camp and aetherial gate in Thanalan. 2.0

&0000000000000399000000399 Male Female The Shield of Eorzea Eorzea Got Served...and Protected Complete 10 behests at every aetheryte camp and aetherial gate in La Noscea, the Black Shroud, and Thanalan. 2.0

&0000000000000401000000401 Male Brother of the Broken Blade
Female Sister of the Broken Blade
Love Thy Brother Complete 50 faction levequests for the Brotherhood of the Broken Blade. 2.0

&0000000000000403000000403 Male Female The Warden's Wall Another Brick in the Shield Wall Complete 50 faction levequests for Azeyma's Shields. 2.0

&0000000000000405000000405 Male Female Bearer of the Horn A Helping Horn Complete 50 faction levequests for the Horn and Hand. 2.0

&0000000000000406000000406 Male Female The Uncommitted Commitment Issues Complete 50 faction levequests each for the Brotherhood of the Broken Blade, Azeyma's Shields, and the Horn and Hand. 2.0

&0000000000000416000000416 Male Female Inquisitor Patricide Defeat 11th Order Patriarch Gu Bu during the Battle for Aleport. 2.0

&0000000000000417000000417 Male Female Divine Crusher To Kill a Mocking Bird Defeat Sazel Ciloc the Divine during the Battle for Hyrstmill. 2.0

&0000000000000418000000418 Male Female Stonesplitter Pounding the Spike Defeat Stonespike Tanadd Gah during the battle for the Golden Bazaar. 2.0

&0000000000000423000000423 Male Female A Kobold's Worst Nightmare First Blood: Aleport Receive a score of 50,000 or better for your efforts during a victorious campaign in the Battle for Aleport. 2.0

&0000000000000428000000428 Male Female An Ixal's Worst Nightmare First Blood: Hyrstmill Receive a score of 50,000 or better for your efforts during a victorious campaign in the Battle for Hyrstmill. 2.0

&0000000000000433000000433 Male Female An Amalj'aa's Worst Nightmare First Blood: Golden Bazaar Receive a score of 50,000 or better for your efforts during a victorious campaign in the Battle for the Golden Bazaar. 2.0

&0000000000000438000000438 Male Female The Guardian of Aleport To Be or Not to Be the Guardian of Aleport Defend Aleport from invading kobold forces 1,000 times. 2.0

&0000000000000443000000443 Male Female The Guardian of Hyrstmill To Be or Not to Be the Guardian of Hyrstmill Defend Hyrstmill from invading Ixali forces 1,000 times. 2.0

&0000000000000448000000448 Male Female The Guardian of the Golden Bazaar To Be or Not to Be the Guardian of the Golden Bazaar Defend the Golden Bazaar from invading Amalj'aa forces 1,000 times. 2.0

&0000000000000453000000453 Male Female The Wind of Aleport To Be or Not to Be the Wind of Aleport Procure and submit supplies 10,000 times during the Battle for Aleport. 2.0

&0000000000000458000000458 Male Female The Wind of Hyrstmill To Be or Not to Be the Wind of Hyrstmill Procure and submit supplies 10,000 times during the Battle for Hyrstmill. 2.0

&0000000000000463000000463 Male Female The Wind of the Golden Bazaar To Be or Not to Be the Wind of the Golden Bazaar Procure and submit supplies 10,000 times during the Battle for the Golden Bazaar. 2.0

&0000000000000468000000468 Male Female The Hand of Aleport To Be or Not to Be the Hand of Aleport Craft and submit materia-augmented equipment 10,000 times during the Battle for Aleport. 2.0

&0000000000000473000000473 Male Female The Hand of Hyrstmill To Be or Not to Be the Hand of Hyrstmill Craft and submit materia-augmented equipment 10,000 times during the Battle for Hyrstmill. 2.0

&0000000000000478000000478 Male Female The Hand of the Golden Bazaar To Be or Not to Be the Hand of the Golden Bazaar Craft and submit materia-augmented equipment 10,000 times during the Battle for the Golden Bazaar. 2.0

&0000000000000486000000486 Male Female Wild Thing It's Reining Deer Obtain a festive Starlight Celebration outfit consisting of a set of reindeer antlers and a reindeer suit. 2.0

&0000000000000491000000491 Male Female The Winter Wyrm Get All the Things! Obtain all four dragon kabuto as part of the Heavensturn festivities. 2.0

&0000000000000495000000495 Male Female Messenger of Love Love Makes the World Go Round Obtain a paramour's pendant, platinum paramour's pendant, and the Band of Eternal Passion during the Valentione's Day festivities. 2.0

&0000000000000496000000496 Male Royal Seneschal
Female Princess for a Day
Royal Audience Obtain a peach blossom earring. 2.0

&0000000000000502000000502 Male Female Dreamseeker Seven Short of a Dozen Obtain all five egg rings. 2.0

&0000000000000509000000509 Male Female Cascadier Cascadier for Life Obtain all six Moonfire Faire achievements. 2.0

&0000000000000510000000510 Male Female Crystal Bearer Chock-full of Elemental Goodness Obtain an over-aspected cluster. 2.0

&0000000000000526000000526 Male Female The Wanderer's Shadow Been There, Done That Complete the “Taking in the Sights” achievements for La Noscea, the Black Shroud, Thanalan, Coerthas, and Mor Dhona. 2.0

&0000000000000580000000580 Male Female Featherfoot Eight Minutes or Less or Your Cargo's Free Complete level 20 caravan security in less than 8 minutes (Earth time). 2.0

&0000000000000583000000583 Male Female Lightning Gone in Eight Minutes Complete level 40 caravan security in less than 8 minutes (Earth time). 2.0

&0000000000000587000000587 Male Female A Bo's Best Friend Handle with Care IV Protect a total of 5,000 packs of chocobo cargo. 2.0

Pages in category "Title Granting Achievement"

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